Local SEO Strategies for Realtors: 2021 Checklist

It’s no secret that working in the real estate sector can be incredibly difficult. It necessitates making repeated cold calls and spending a significant amount of time with consumers who are frequently unqualified. But what if there is a method to streamline this process in a way that you could acquire high-quality leads with only half the time and effort required? As it turns out, there are some. Local search engine optimization (SEO) is a type of marketing that is used in this situation.

This sort of marketing helps you produce leads for your business. The option to distinguish yourself from the rivalry without needing to make calls, purchase advertisements, or pursue new clients is provided. In this section, we will explore some of the most essential approaches for this type of property marketing in further detail. But first and foremost, what is it?

What Is Local SEO For Real Estate Search?

It is important to grasp the distinctions between hyper-focused local real estate SEO and standard real estate SEO. It is also important to understand why it is so advantageous to drill down and target local techniques and methods that will perform best.

When compared to traditional real estate SEO, which focuses on having your postings found by the wider public, local property SEO concentrates your focus on making your business and listings found by individuals who are physically close to your actual location.

This technique to SEO marketing is critical for property managers since local SEO may assist you in being more visible in search engine results pages (SERPs) inside your geographic area.

Because quality leads will be attracted to and engaged with your listings, you will be able to increase sales while cutting back on advertising costs.

The following are many step-by-step tips that you may follow to improve your real estate online presence listings so that they are more easily identified in Google My Business search results.

Local exposure may help you generate more quality leads for your real estate website and generate more phone calls that can be converted into leads, so let’s have a look at how you can enhance your real estate local SEO tactics right now!

The Benefits Of Local SEO For Realtors?

Increased traffic as well as conversions
Website rankings alone will not drive visitors to your webpage, although good ranks will undoubtedly assist in this endeavor. The majority of Internet users (64.5%) only look at the first three positions in a search engine ranking, with barely 30% clicking on anything after the 3rd result.

In the case of a website that appears on the second page of Google, less than 10% of Internet visitors will even see your website.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a dependable and cheap method of rising to the top of search engines and generating higher traffic to your real estate business.

Whenever it comes to the phrases you choose in regards to your site traffic, value is just as important as quantity when it comes to keyword selection. Optimizing your site just for broad keywords such as “real estate” or “homes for sale” may result in your site appearing on more search engine results pages, but it does not rank well.

More significantly, you will be unable to reach local buyers who are actively looking for your services if you choose these broad terms.

Even though a targeted SEO approach that targets buyers based on particular criteria such as location, house model, neighborhood, and other precise criteria may not generate millions of hits, the visitors who do make their way to your site will be more targeted, and they will be considerably more likely to contact you.

Once these people land on your website, they’re also much more likely to complete a conversion. In fact, conversions from organic traffic outperform those from sponsored traffic by a factor of 25 percent.

The use of search engine optimization to improve your prominence in search engine results for the keywords that are most valuable to your real estate business and those that attract your local consumers is unquestionably beneficial.

Higher Return on Investment
Due to the growing amount of individuals who are turning to the internet to seek a new house, search engine optimization will continue to produce even more money for your company.

The cost of SEO is determined by a variety of criteria, such as the nature of the business, the services provided, the timeframe the company has been working with you, and the size of the organization in question.

Some businesses charge on an hourly basis, while others charge on a monthly basis. As a result, based on your SEO requirements, your company might spend as little as $66 an hour for SEO or as much as $7,000 monthly for SEO solutions.

While the cheap costs of SEO are a significant advantage, the true value is found in the return on investment.

Increased consumer awareness of the brand
Given that most search engine users never go past the first page of search results, most websites that aren’t at the top of the rankings don’t even receive a first peek, let alone a second one. Because the primary objective of SEO is to position your website at the top of search engine results pages, it is also an excellent technique for increasing brand exposure and recognition.

If your website appears at the top of search engine results pages, it will gain popularity among Internet users who are looking for it. As previously stated in the statistics, more individuals will visit your website and communicate with you on a more frequent basis.

The greater the number of calls, the greater the amount of brand exposure for your agency!

key phrases, website loading, and how people engage with your site are all taken into consideration when determining your ranking. Increased traffic to your site means more prospective customers who may return numerous times, connect with you on social networks, click on email offers, and share your content with others.

Some of these criteria are favored by search engine algorithms, resulting in an increase in your ranking even more.

You can enhance the awareness of your property investment by employing SEO, which will result in higher rankings as a result of the increased exposure you will receive.

Authority and Credibility
Keywords aren’t the only factor that may propel you to the top of the search engine results page. In addition, the overall performance of your webpage is critical.

While most people consider the top results in an online search to be the most trustworthy and useful, the process of establishing both requires time and work.

Websites having authoritative information that has been linked to by other websites are preferred by search engine algorithms. This implies that you will have to put in a lot of effort to create articles, blog posts, and other material that will resonate with potential house buyers.

If you create high-quality material, it has the potential to gain links from authoritative websites, which may benefit both your reputation and visitors.

You will receive clicks to your high-quality material, which will result in user comments and social media activity. Over time, your connected material will establish you as a real estate authority, which will elevate your search engine ranks even farther up the rankings ladder.

How Should Realators Do SEO for Real Estate Listings

By refining property listings for search engine optimization, you may acquire significant traction. You can remain ahead of the curve by learning how to get started with SEO for real estate listings in the sections below. This will allow you to keep your prospective clients informed, pleased, and prepared to take the next step.

Begin with a website that is both functional and responsive
To ensure that your listings are seen by as many people as possible, you should begin with a responsive website. Customers who use mobile devices to seek real estate listings are almost certainly putting locations into search engines and expecting to discover real estate listings.

The cornerstone of good SEO for real estate is a well-designed website. Once your website is up and running and fully functioning, you can turn your attention to improving your Property listings for search engines like Google.

Carry out your study
Keyword research is a critical component of developing an SEO strategy for property listings. Your webpage and real estate postings will attract more visitors if you know what search phrases people are using to find them. Once you are familiar with these phrases, you will be able to carefully incorporate these into your listings.

The Google Keyword Planner is one of the most useful tools for conducting keyword research. It is available for free on the web. You may find out how many consumers are going for phrases relevant to your sector by using your Google Ads account. You can also discover how many other companies are vying for visitors from those terms if you have a Google Ads account.

Make your listings more visible to search engines
Once you’ve identified the most relevant phrases for your listings, you’ll want to incorporate them whenever possible. Avoid the urge to jam them into every single item, since this is known as “keyword stuffing” and may actually harm your rankings. Instead, use them where they make sense, such as in product descriptions.

Consider the following example: if you are attempting to advertise a 750-square-foot property in Harrisburg, you might describe it as a “750-square-foot apartment in Harrisburg.” However, if keyword analysis reveals that more individuals are searching for a “one-bedroom apartment in Harrisburg,” it is most likely a better pick.

Local SEO Strategies for Realtors

Utilize SEO to the greatest degree for your real estate listings by adopting these real estate SEO tips:

1. Include keywords that are specific to your area

Despite the fact that your business is only officially situated in a single city, consider other keywords that define the immediate surrounding area. If you are selling a house in Harrisburg, for example, think about how purchasers in the region would look for properties to buy. Consider larger descriptors such as “Central Pennsylvania” or “Dauphin County,” and conduct some research on the keywords associated with such descriptions.

2. Use the address in header and body tags

As part of your real estate listing SEO strategy, be sure to include the physical address, city, and zip code of the property. This will draw awareness to the posting and simplify things for the browsers to find it in their results.

3. Make use of your real estate website and blog to promote the listings

Despite the fact that search engines are incredibly useful in driving traffic to your postings, you should not depend on them to complete all of the jobs for you. As a reminder, make sure that your website contains links to each of your individual listings, and consider including a segment on your homepage that displays your most current listings.

Additionally, if you have a blog section, this may be a wonderful method to keep readers up to speed on new listings. You should avoid being too promotional or you will lose subscribers, but including a few new listings you believe your readers would be fascinated by at the bottom of an article could potentially bring in some new clients for your company.

4. Promote the listings on your social media networks

Publishing hyperlinks to your postings on social media sites will increase the amount of exposure your listings receive from your audience. Having said that, it’s important not to overdo it. If you bombard your followers’ news feeds with property listings on social media, they will become irritated. Therefore, restrict yourself to one or two homes each week at the most on social media.

5. Make your photos as attractive as possible

Images are among the most essential components of a real estate listing’s presentation. They can entice potential buyers to call you and provide a far more accurate representation of a home than simply reading words. However, despite the fact that they may do miracles with actual visitors to your site, browsers are incapable of processing visual material.

The only method for search engines to determine what your photographs are of is through the file names and alt tags you include with them. As a component of your real estate listing SEO strategy, be sure to add keywords that are relevant to both the photograph and the rest of the information on the page.

6. Create profiles for your area

Make sure to build local profiles for your real estate listings on all of the major real estate directories. Once you’ve done that, think about reaching out to additional online groups that can benefit from your postings, such as neighborhood or local online networks.

7. Create a Google My Business account and optimize it.

The fact that phone books are still in use would surprise the majority of people. And this is due to the fact that our mobile phones allow us to quickly and easily retrieve any data we could want or desire. Google has essentially replaced the phone book in terms of functionality. People use this search engine on a regular basis to discover the phone numbers of businesses with whom they would want to conduct business.

This is excellent news for agents since it allows you to guarantee that your consumers can quickly find you on the internet. However, the key is whether or not customers are finding the information they are looking for when they conduct a search for your company. Before anyone even gets to your website, they should be able to find out some general details about you and your organization.

It is essential that you build and enhance your Google My Business profile in order to guarantee that your local target demographic has access to this data. It is possible to create a Google My Business listing, which will allow your business to be shown by Google in different search results.

Fortunately, the procedure is rather straightforward. Make a free profile and claim your business, then verify it. Then, improve your listing by providing as many details as possible. This is really beneficial for SEO. The greater the amount of information search engines have about your company, the better.

7. Increase Your Reviews

The process of purchasing a new house maybe both emotionally and physically draining. As a result, prospective clients are constantly on the hunt for the ideal agent. In fact, many individuals believe that it is among the most crucial aspects of the home-buying process. As a result, it is critical that your target market is able to discover positive feedback about your products and services.

Not only would positive reviews build confidence in your customers, but they will also instill trust in Google. The greater the number of favorable evaluations you obtain, the higher your ranking in the search engine results will be. For property purchasers, there are a plethora of review websites to choose from. Real estate websites such as Trulia, Realtor.com, and Zillow are included in this list. If you have a Facebook profile, you could even host a few testimonials on that page. As a result, encourage your previous clientele to provide feedback on your services. You may also want to consider establishing a recommendation program for your prospective clientele.

8. Create Citations

Another fantastic local SEO method is the creation of citations (or references). Citations are any reference to your trademark, location, or contact information that appears on a third-party website in the context of marketing. Google is always on the lookout for real websites–that is, those which are owned by reputable businesses. Citations are the most effective method of ensuring that Google recognizes you as one of these businesses.

Citations can also help to enhance your search engine results considerably. This is especially true if your name, location, and phone number, commonly known as your NAP, have been published on hundreds of websites at the same time. The more specialized and relevant your references are, the more probable it is that you will rank for the phrases that are relevant to your location.

To make sure that your documentation is always correct and up-to-date, it is necessary to put some effort into this procedure. If you are manually inputting your information, this is very important to note. Although there are technologies and information processors available to help streamline and accelerate the process, they are not without their limitations.

9. Publish Content

Pens, magnets, and flyers aren’t nearly as useful as they used to be, according to research. Clients are more interested in connecting with your brand these days. And a significant portion of this engagement will be facilitated by the content which you supply. When it comes to reaching your target audience, content marketing is perfect. A broad range of communications, including videos, podcasts, and, most importantly, blogs, fall under the purview of this type of marketing.

When properly done, your blog may assist you in gaining trust, nurturing connections, and fostering loyalty among your audience. The information that you present should be both informative and actionable, and it should be easy to find. In fact, your postings should establish you as a leader in your field.

However, the most important benefit of having a blog section on your professional website is that it assists with search engine optimization. Using keywords and phrases which people will be looking for offers you the ability to stand out from the crowd. For example, if you are selling real estate in Colorado, using phrases such as “family houses in Colorado” or “top realtors in Colorado” in your search can help you attract the most suitable prospects. Furthermore, the more significant keywords you employ, the higher you will rank in the search engine results. While crawlers are a bit mysterious, it is safe to assume that if you concentrate on giving value and utilizing terms that your target audience is looking for, you will be able to attract a significant number of new customers.

10. Increase the number of backlinks

Building backlinks is another critical factor in ensuring that your local SEO campaign is a success. Backlinks are defined as any link from one website to another website on the same domain as the linking site. Backlinks are highly valued by Google and other respectable search engines since they indicate that the information on the other website is relevant enough to link to. To put it another way, connecting to another site is equivalent to giving that site a vote of confidence in return.

The greater the number of backlinks, or votes, that a website may obtain, the better the website’s rating in search results. In order to accomplish this, you must develop material that is useful enough for other publications to want to discuss with their own audiences. You may also offer to write guest blogs for other sites in exchange for a link back to your website on their website. It is critical that you concentrate your efforts on obtaining backlinks from authoritative websites since their backlinks will be of more worth.

Essential SEO Tools for Realators

With so many search engine users looking for houses online, having the appropriate tools for the job in order to get top search engine results is essential. We’ve compiled a list of six key tools that will assist you in getting started with SEO, or in improving your performance if you’re currently experimenting with it. Take a look at the examples below and give them a go.

Google Search Console

The Google Search Console is an excellent tool, to begin with if you are a beginning SEO practitioner. This tool provides you with crucial data regarding your webpage, including statistics on your site’s functionality, and it also provides you with the opportunity to spot possible problems before they occur. Google Search Console allows you to keep track of how Google is indexing your website and, in general, assists you in making your webpage more “Google-friendly.”

Remember that, despite the fact that it is very simple to use, Search Console is often updated and new capabilities are introduced on a regular basis. If you really want your real estate agent to perform effectively and remain prominent in search results, you must keep an eye out for any modifications.


Ahrefs is a search engine optimization and marketing tool that is powered by big data. Using the web tool, you can improve your search traffic while also conducting research on your rivals and keeping track of your specialty, which in this case is the real estate sector. Ahrefs assists you in determining why your rivals score so well and what measures you need to take in order to outperform them.

With Ahrefs, you can identify and research keywords for your real estate website or blog, run site audits, and explore over a million web sites for fresh concepts for your website or blog. In addition, you may watch your search engine rankings, look for fresh hyperlinks and references on the web, and investigate the backlinks of your rivals, among other things. Being aware of what your rivals are doing is essential in the real estate market, as you are already aware of the fierce competition that exists in this field.

SEM Rush, BuzzSumo, and Moz Pro are examples of similar tools.

Screaming Frog

This tool is a strong and adaptable web crawler that can identify and highlight any issues that are hurting the performance of your real estate website. When crawling small and big websites, SEO Spider can do it quickly and efficiently, while also allowing you to examine the findings in real-time. It collects critical onsite data that allows SEOs to make educated judgments about their campaigns.

The software also allows users to track webpages that have missing title tags, redundant meta tags, or tags that are the incorrect form, as well as to verify the number of links that have been put on each page using the search engine results. You may also see the architecture of your website, build XML sitemaps, analyze robots.txt files and directives, and do a plethora of other tasks. It will need a fundamental grasp of SEO, but it may also serve as an excellent learning tool.

Botify and OnCrawl are two similar tools.

Yoast SEO

If you have a blog on your real estate website, Yoast SEO is among the greatest SEO plugins available, and it will assist you in optimizing your WordPress site for higher search engine ranks quickly and simply.

The tool offers keyword optimization tools, as well as SEO snippets that are shown within your page editing window. You can quickly update your meta tags to increase the number of times people click on your link in search results. As an added bonus, the Yoast SEO software offers a readability check tool that assists you in making your text more reader-friendly. You may use canonical URLs to prevent Google from thinking you’re submitting the same material twice.

GT Metrix

GTmetrix measures the speed of your website’s pages and provides you with a report. With scheduled monitoring, you can keep track of the performance of your website and see the results in real-time through interactive graphs. Using the tool, you can also create alerts that will alert you if one of your web pages performs poorly.

You may also test how quickly your website loads on multiple devices and in different geographical locations.

Google Analytics 

Finally, once you’ve completed the above-mentioned SEO strategies,  on your webpage, go into Google Analytics to review your results and make any necessary adjustments. You’ll be able to see crucial details like organic search traffic, traffic sources, churn rate, duration on-site, site speed, and more using Google Analytics.

This information enables you to quickly identify what is functioning on your webpage and what is not performing at all. It also provides you with important information on how to enhance the effectiveness of your SEO efforts in order to attract more visitors and increase conversions.

You may also integrate your Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts to receive even more specific information in your Google dashboard, like the keywords people use to reach your site, the appearance of your site in Search engine results, and much more.

Final Thoughts

Over the years, there has been a significant shift in real estate marketing.

The strategies that were effective ten years ago will not provide the same outcomes now. Investing a considerable amount of time and effort into local SEO will ensure that your marketing strategy is as successful as possible. It enables you to save funds while also spending more of your efforts connecting with highly qualified prospects.

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