Real Estate Landing Pages: A Guide to Generating Leads

Over the last few years, more and more people are buying real estate. With that in mind, a number of companies have cropped up to help buyers find their perfect home with ease. This article will outline which landing page tactics you can use to draw in potential customers.

Landing pages for real estate capture the contact information of active purchasers and sellers, generating leads. They accomplish this by enticing page visitors to give you their contact information and (in the end) utilize your services to purchase or sell a house by providing free material or resources. We’ll walk you through what real estate landing pages are, how to create them, and why they’re so vital to your real estate agent’s success.

How Do Landing Pages For Real Estate Work?

If you’re a real estate agent without a landing page, now is the time to acquire one since having a website alone isn’t enough. Landing pages for real estate work well for lead generation because you can provide visitors relevant advice, support, information, or resources for free—all they have to do is give you their contact information, which turns into a new lead.

A lead capture form is basically what a real estate landing page is. It’s linked to (or integrated into) your real estate website. To drive more traffic and produce more leads, you may connect your real estate landing pages to ad campaigns on Facebook, Google, Instagram, and other websites.


When a lead “lands” on your landing page at the top of your sales funnel, they are provided useful information or resources in return for their contact information. These include features such as the ability to browse live listings, interactive tools such as calculators and house valuators, and downloadable documents such as buying and selling how-to manuals.

Landing pages allow you to target particular audiences and demonstrate your expertise to leads, encouraging them to utilize your real estate services to purchase or sell a house. This lead generation method works well for acquiring leads who are actively looking to go ahead in the sales process. Not only are they frequently eager to take action, but they are also likely to be qualified, meaning they suit your buyer personas, ideal client types, or intended niche demographic, depending on the content of your landing page.

3 Ways to Generate Leads With Real Estate Landing Pages & Examples

Home search, home value, and free content are three distinct sorts of strategic real estate landing pages depending on the target demographic. Each one has its own predicted conversion rate, as well as advantages and disadvantages. As a result, you should pick the sort of landing page that best suits your company goals as well as your target audience’s preferences and online activity.

Before deciding which style of the landing page will work best for you, consider the following strategic intended applications, conversion rates (how many people supply their contact information), and real estate landing page examples:

Home Search Landing Pages


Real Geeks landing page (screenshot)

The goal of home search landing pages is to attract buyers rather than sellers. When visitors click on your ad, they are given the option of searching for active house listings in a certain location. Following that, leads are led to a landing page on your website’s domain where they may browse for houses and bookmark their preferences. When a lead expresses interest in a property, the website asks them to provide their contact information in order to get additional information, resulting in a new lead for your company.

Landing pages for home searches create leads depending on the prospect’s interest or need. Active buyers want to see what their money can purchase in a certain neighborhood or location, and you’re the one who can show them what’s available. Many house search landing sites allow users to browse a few listings before being prompted to fill out a lead capture form. By that point, the visitor is usually so enthralled by the postings that they are willing to provide information in order to continue their search.

To get started, use a tool like Real Geeks, which allows you to create landing pages from any page on your website. They specialize in lead capture landing pages that are geared for conversion, so you can focus on converting rather than generating leads.

Home Value Landing Pages


(Photo courtesy of Profusion360)

Sellers are generally concerned that they will not get the correct value for their house, but they are also hesitant to contact an agent with whom they would be forced to work. Sellers may use home value landing pages to figure out how much their house is worth before putting it on the market. They provide customers the information they need to continue ahead with the sales process in a non-threatening and non-committal manner. This increases the likelihood that the prospect will allow you to chat with them in detail and convert them into customers by establishing trust and a degree of comfort.

To encourage visitors to go to your house search landing pages, utilize your website, advertise online, or send out bulk emails or direct mailers giving a free home appraisal. A prospective lead is routed to your home value landing page when they click on the ad or visit your website after getting an email or direct mail piece. They’ll have to input their contact information in order to acquire a property value, which will produce a new lead for you.

Instant house value and comparative market analysis (CMA) landing pages are two types of home value landing pages. Both are effective at generating leads since you are offering crucial and useful information that customers need in order to sell their house.

  • Subscribe to a service that generates quick house values, such as iNCOM or Real Geeks, if you want a landing page with an immediate home value.
  • CMA landing page: Creating a quality CMA report requires extra effort on your part as a real estate agent. Clients, on the other hand, are highly encouraged to engage with you because of your knowledge and the fact that this effectively kicks off the working relationship. To aid in gathering property information for a complete CMA report, use your local MLS or CloudCMA.


(Image courtesy of Placester)

Placester can upgrade your website for the best traffic and conversion if you’re having trouble creating a home valuation landing page. Placester can build bespoke lead capture forms that will keep your readers interested and help you produce more leads.

Free Content Landing Pages


(Image courtesy of

Real estate landing pages that give free material in return for a prospect’s contact information are known as free content landing pages. People who are on the fence about buying or selling but want to learn more about the process benefit from this lead-generating method. It provides them with unique and important information from a subject matter expert. This is your chance to demonstrate your knowledge and start a dialogue that will educate and persuade a lead to become a customer.

An e-book, report, checklist, how-to guide, or downloadable PDF with other types of content buyers and sellers might want from a real estate agent, such as a guide to off-market listings, a list of the top 10 renovations with the best return on investment (ROI), home staging advice, a closing checklist, and topics addressing other common buyer and seller concerns, are all examples of effective free content.

These aren’t always buyers or sellers who are actively looking to purchase or sell. While they are often farther up the funnel, drip email campaigns may readily nurture them over time. Pipedrive, a client relationship management application (CRM), will send a series of emails (called drip campaigns) to leads obtained from your landing pages automatically. These initiatives build connections with prospects and foster their desire to purchase or sell from you when the time comes.

5 Reasons Why Landing Pages for Real Estate Will Be Important in 2022

Today’s homebuying trips begin with a search on the internet. In 2020, 97 percent of purchasers utilized the internet to seek a house, and 51 percent of those who looked online discovered the home they eventually bought. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 43 percent of first-time homebuyers looked for a property on the internet before contacting an agent. We can focus on capturing that audience by developing landing pages.

Real estate landing pages enable you to more simply direct prospective customers towards making a choice regarding their next move, thanks to the abundance of web materials accessible. Take a look at the top five reasons why real estate landing pages will help you increase your agent success and bring in more customers (and money):

1. Removes distractions, allowing salespeople to concentrate on the content.

In the era of the internet, real estate landing pages have become more crucial, in part because our attention spans demand instant results. If you send a lead to your website’s homepage, they may browse around, get sidetracked, and never return.


Landing pages, on the other hand, are created with the sole purpose of collecting contact information via tailored, single-focus content. This content contains not only the written copy, but also the design, layout, pictures, and call to action (CTA) that is tailored to the target audience (for example, homebuyers and/or sellers).

“Discover out how much your house is worth” or “Book an appointment to find your perfect home” are examples of CTAs that clearly reflect the need or want of your target audience and specify what the site visitor should do. In the digital era, reducing distractions is essential for turning leads into customers. It also makes it very simple for your audience to perform the action you want them to take, which is to provide you with their contact information.

2. Captures Ready-to-Convert Leads

While 69 percent of real estate agents have a website, having a landing page is critical for optimizing your results. Many prospective customers may visit your website, but if you don’t have a mechanism to catch them with a landing page, you won’t get the number of leads you want.

Because landing pages are tailored to a particular audience (buyers, sellers, renters, vacation homes, and so on), when prospective clients look for expert guidance on the internet, your landing page is the passport to addressing their queries. Visitors are typically near the bottom of your sales funnel and ready to purchase or sell by the time they get to your landing page, making it much simpler to persuade them to give you their contact information.

3. Allows you to do A/B testing to improve conversion rates.


(Photo courtesy of Leadpages)

The ability to A/B test landing pages is one of the most effective advantages of them, something you can’t accomplish as simply or inexpensively with direct mail marketing pieces or social media advertisements. A/B testing is a technique that involves showing several versions of a website to different visitors to discover which one performs better.

Create two distinct versions of landing page content and set up your landing page to present half of your visitors’ choice A and the other half option B to find the most successful text. Then figure out which copy did the best and use that version to generate more leads in the future.

Repeat the A/B testing procedure often to keep your landing pages from becoming stale. To enable simple monitoring, modify just one-page element at a time, and make sure all changes are consistent with your brand.

You can’t know how successful your advertising is on general real estate listing sites since you don’t always have access to that data. However, if you use a landing page, you’ll be able to see where your visitors are coming from. You may use that information to make educated choices about where and how you spend your advertising dollars, as well as to optimize your advertising ROI (ROI).

4. Real Estate Landing Pages Can Also Be Used With Offline Ads

Another advantage of mastering real estate landing pages is that you can generate traffic to them from a variety of sources. You may connect to landing pages from your social media accounts or via quick response (QR) codes on yard signs, postcards, billboards, business cards, and brochures to gather contact information from leads who click on your web advertisements.


QR codes may be read with almost any internet-connected device, giving you instant access to further information about your services on the internet. It’s a barcode-like picture with encrypted code that contains a unique internet URL. This is an excellent approach to employing technology to determine how many people visit your website as a result of your offline real estate marketing efforts.

Create trackable QR codes for your offline marketing assets, such as business cards and direct mailers, that lead to your online content, such as landing sites, events, or listings. When users scan the QR code linked to your landing page, they are transported to your landing page to learn more. There are several free QR code generators available, and creating a QR code is simple.

5. Enables you to build an email list of potential clients to nurture.

Prospects who aren’t ready to purchase or sell right now will almost certainly want assistance in the future. When they fill out the form on your real estate landing page, their contact information is added to your email, newsletter, and direct mailing lists. This allows you to sell your knowledge and show your worth over time, eventually leading to conversions.

To monitor and organize leads produced by your landing pages, consider investing in a customer relationship manager (CRM). As a bonus, HubSpot CRM provides a free CRM as well as a free landing page builder. It’s an excellent option for contact management and marketing solutions that will keep your brand fresh and your internet material current.


The significance of real estate landing pages should not be underestimated. You can identify your target audience, enhance conversion rates, and grow your company immensely by using the sorts of landing pages that are suitable for your organization. Although it is not the only method for generating leads, it is particularly successful in today’s internet-based society.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make a landing page for real estate?

A landing page is a webpage that you create for your website. It typically has the most important content, like contact information and pricing.

How do you generate leads from a landing page?

There are a number of ways to generate leads from your landing page. You can have it as part of an ad campaign, or you could use social media advertising, which is one way to continuously bring in new visitors when the site first opens.

What is a landing page in real estate?

A landing page is a website that has the goal of capturing attention and converting visitors into leads. While it may not always be done through advertising, they are typically created by an agent who wishes to increase their clientele.

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