The 20 Strangest Things You Can Buy on Amazon

Amazon is one of the most popular and comprehensive shopping platforms. With over 250 million products, Amazon has something for every customer’s needs. Whether it be clothes, food items or electronics, there are so many things to buy on this platform that you’ll never run out of options. If you’re looking for an unusual item that isn’t found in your local store but still fits within your budget, these are some of our favorite weirdest-but-not-weirdly strange purchases from Amazon we recommend buying today!.

The “craziest things you can buy on the internet” is a list of 20 items that you can purchase on Amazon. The list includes a variety of items such as a $3,000 diamond-encrusted toilet seat and an $8,500 golden egg.

The 20 Strangest Things You Can Buy on Amazon

Have you ever considered circumcision as a hobby, but you need to brush up on your snips first? Perhaps you could strengthen your anemic toes in preparation for beach season, brah. We have excellent news for you: Amazon has you covered.

Sure, the Bezos juggernaut sells everyday essentials like furniture, appliances, and food, but it also sells bizarre items like circumcision trainers and Exerciser for the Toess. Even a Lamborghini may be purchased on Amazon.

All of this is due to Amazon’s tremendous increase in the quantity and variety of things it offers. In 2018, Amazon has 562 million unique goods on its shelves, a long cry from the bookstore stock that launched the company in 1994. While most of us are seeking for commonplace products on Amazon, others are hunting for the unusual, such as a $60,000 dinosaur skull or a $30 book on ancient deadly illnesses (with ghoulish illustrations).

We looked for the oddest of the bizarre in 2019 based on Amazon’s inventory dispersion. Of course, we all know that one person’s strange is another’s treasure, but these standouts are clearly beyond our comprehension—and, in some instances, our comfort zone.

Here are 20 of the oddest Amazon items available in 2019:


The 20 Weirdest Things You’ll Ever Find on Amazon

Cost: $59,000 (with free shipping) Three reviewers have given it five stars.


Amazon has a life-size Tyrannosaurus Rex skull replica.

Why visit a natural history museum when you can gaze at a dinosaur skull in the comfort of your own home? A 4.5 × 5-foot T-Rex skull in your own house would delight anybody with $59,000 burning a hole in their pocket—and in need of some home décor. The only problem is that the free shipment will take longer than the two-day turnaround you’re probably used to. But that’s okay since you can use the opportunity to scrub those dusty wooly mammoth tusks.

It’s aHEAD of the pack, to be sure!

WOW, WOW, WOW… I paid $79,000 for an inferior one five years ago, and let me tell you, this new one is a steal at $59,000. These new fangs have incredible skull smashing strength that you’ve never seen before. To give all the fun-chomping mayhem, I operate this one on two huge 6,000 horsepower locomotive engines. When I have my yearly fun-filled BBQ and fire up the ferocious cutting power, the whole neighborhood is filled with a wealth of magnificent delight.

Cost: $14.18 (eligible for Prime two-day shipping) From 29 reviews, the average rating is 3.5.


Toy with Pimples

We all like popping pimples, which is why someone decided to turn it into a game. Yes, this $14 gadget, which is just a 43-inch slab of silicone, enables you to practice popping pimples all day. It also includes a vial of pus to refill the pores and keep going. It’s marketed as a therapeutic toy, similar to a (grotesque) fidget toy, according to the maker.

Real Review: It’s a little nasty, but it’s a lot of fun!

This is a little disgusting, but it’s intriguing! It seems to be a basic toy, yet the children like it. It takes them away from their devices and allows them to engage for hours. It improves hand-eye coordination while also making kids giggle.

Cost: $200 (estimated; not currently in stock) From 55 reviews, the average rating is 2.3 stars.


Trainer for infant circumcision

You can pretty much do everything yourself in our cherished DIY era, even circumcising your own kid. Aspiring snipers will be able to perfect the technique of foreskin cutting with the help of this trainer before attempting the deed. It would cost roughly $200, albeit it is now out of stock. However, with a poor average rating of 2.3 stars, it may not be a good buy; users have complained about how unrealistic the plastic infant is.

Real-Life Experience: Easy to follow directions that allow for several tries.

This is an excellent present for anybody interested in a career in medicine, young rabbis in training, or even DIY projects. In our contemporary world, it turns out that anybody can learn the techniques of the trade—and I’m pleased I did!

Cost: $21.96 (with free shipping) 4.4 stars based on 61 reviews


Amazon has a Senior Woman with an Asthma Inhaler Wall Decal.

You were incorrect if you believed you didn’t need a life-size decal depicting an elderly lady using an inhaler. According to hundreds of shoppers and reviews, she will provide you unending delight for about $22. Not only will she provide joy, but she also seems to be quite sturdy and capable of being used outside. It’s no wonder that individuals of all ages like being around her. What’s not to like about that?

Real Customer Review: I’m renovating my kitchen and wanted something like this.

I was hesitant to purchase this since all of the reviews seemed to be written in jest for some reason. I’m remodeling my kitchen and wanted something like this, but I was concerned about the quality. I ordered six of them in the small size, and they’ve all clung to the wall like crazy. The colors are just stunning! It seems like there are six women in my breakfast nook, which is precisely what I wanted!

Price is $12. (for 12 monthly issues) One reviewer gave it five stars.


Amazon offers an annual subscription to Dog Eyes Magazine.

Sure, you like your partner’s doe-y bedroom eyes on languid Saturday mornings, and you adore birds. Some of us, on the other hand, wake up with puppy eyes and can’t get enough of them. Thank goodness for “Canine Eyes,” a magazine dedicated just to, well, dog eyes. Dog Eyes magazine features photographs of puppy pupils with fun-loving stories on our furry friends, in case you can’t get enough of your dog’s gaze. A 12-issue membership costs just $12 a year, or $1 every magazine. For such large puppy eyes, that’s a tiny price to pay.

Real Review: I like this publication!

This magazine makes me feel so calm; it’s like going for a stroll in the woods with my dog. I feel like I’ve just done a profound, wonderful meditation after reading the magazine and gazing at the photographs. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Only $120 for Prime members (for a six-pack) Five reviews yielded a five-star rating.


Amazon’s Camel Milk

Cow milk, like soy milk, almond milk, cashew milk, and coconut milk, is so 1999. It’s all about camel milk today. If it isn’t already, it is soon to be. Camels aren’t often thought of as milk-producing animals, and we had no idea cronuts existed until they did. After Amazon bought Whole Foods, which sells camel milk in stores, the product became accessible on Amazon. You can avoid lugging your pints of camel milk out of Whole Foods and instead have it delivered to your door thanks to Amazon. I’m delighted we got through that stumbling block.

Camel Milk: A Real Review – Refreshing and Healthy!

I can’t say enough good things about this product and the people who made it. Of course, we owe our gratitude to the beautiful camels who provide us with this! They’re such lovely, long-legged ladies!!!

$29.99 plus $9.29 shipping 1 reviewer gave it 5 stars.


Amazon has live Jerusalem cricket.

A Jerusalem cricket may not be the cuddly pet that most of us want, but those who like insects will appreciate the ease with which they may acquire one on Amazon. They reach a length of two inches and have a face that only a mother—and bug lover—could adore. Keep in mind that, although they aren’t toxic, they do have a huge head with a strong jaw. If you’re searching for a gift for your little niece or nephew, this could or might not be it.

Real Review: I’m still alive, so that’s a plus.

Purchased as a present for a family member’s birthday. The package arrived a day early. Cricket was a dynamic sport. However, he enjoys concealing. So far, I’ve managed to stay alive. If you like having insects as pets, this is an excellent choice.

Cost: $31.50 (eligible for Prime two-day shipping) 4.6 stars out of 63 reviews


The Sick Rose: Or, The Art of Medical Illustration and Disease

It’s usually impolite to stare, but in “The Sick Rose,” you get to peek into the eyes of people suffering from diseases that aren’t prevalent in the twenty-first century. Examine the emaciated victims of cholera, relish the bloat of diphtheria, and even look at some gruesome poxes! This is a book that everyone (except the squeamish) can enjoy. It was written as an instructional tool for medical professionals, but it is a book that everyone (except the squeamish) can enjoy. A new copy will set you back $31.50, but you’ll have much more fun with it than with any textbook you purchased in college.

Real Review: This is a very nasty film.

What is the purpose of DeviantArt? This book is just up my alley!! Graphically stunning, but not for the faint of heart.

94.99 dollars (with free shipping) From 113 reviews, the average rating is 4.2 stars.


Walking Stick with Survival Hammer

Canes are known for being dull, but this bad boy is everything but. Those in dire need of an ice pick and a pointed hammer will have to pay $95 for one—and they won’t receive it in two days since it isn’t qualified for Prime. On the plus side, the producers say it’s almost indestructible, and several reviewers who’ve tried it agree. The Survival Hammer is ideal for anybody who need both walking assistance and a dangerous weapon. Who has space in their jeans these days for throwing knives?

A Walking Stick for the Zombie Apocalypse (Real Review)

Unless you reside in a video game world populated by nasty pterodactyls, this seems to be threatening and may attract unwanted attention; you are carrying a weapon. Rubber coverings on both the pointed hammer and the spike side would be preferable if the vendor provided them. Finally, this is a basic casting, not high-quality edged steel. However, it’s distinctive and a little crazy, and it may be a welcome distraction in a difficult area.

Cost: $29.95 (eligible for Prime two-day shipping) 759 reviewers have given it a rating of 4.2.


Amazon has a Ghost Detector Meter.

Beware, Ghostbusters: Ghost hunting is no longer a spectator sport. With the availability of inexpensive electromagnetic field, or EMF, readers on Amazon, it’s become a serious pastime for anybody with too much free time. And if you have to see to believe, the $30 investment in this Ghost Meter would be well worth it. It also has practical utility as an electromagnetic field detector, in addition to detecting apparitions. Whatever you want to use it for, it’ll be inexpensive; most EMF readers will set you back about $100.

It worked for me when I went to an old army post.

When I tried it next to an electrical panel, it did light up like a Christmas tree, which made me think it was a prank. I also discovered that it lights up when it is near anything electrical (such as the dashboard), however when I tested it at an old army base, my car was turned off, and all of a sudden it lighted up? Wow…

Cost: $9.99 (eligible for Prime two-day shipping) From 24 reviews, the average rating is 3.9 stars.


Sow in Urine of Heat

Pee is one of the oldest prey-luring techniques in hunting literature, but this isn’t just any urine—the it’s urine of a hog in heat. That seems to send the boars fleeing, but who knows what else it could accomplish. It’s said to be one of the most effective hog urines on the market, and it’s all-natural with no fillers or additions.

Real-life experience: It seems to work.

The first time I did this, a hog appeared within 15 minutes. With only a few drops of this, the whole place smells like a hog farm. Occasionally, pigs are drawn simply because they are interested about the odor. This is something I need to purchase more of.

Cost: $23.72 (eligible for Prime two-day shipping) From a total of ten reviews, the average rating is 4.2 stars.


Amazon has Brass Knuckles for Stun Guns.

These stun cannon brass knuckles don’t need a strong right hook to deliver a forceful hit. Despite the fact that regular brass knuckles are prohibited in many areas around the nation, this version—complete with a built-in stun gun or taser mechanism—is nonetheless available on Amazon. They’re generally employed for self-defense by terrified joggers and people in dangerous districts, as wicked as they seem. Keep belligerent siblings away from this product, parents.

Very good, in my opinion

This is a very amazing device. I haven’t had to use it yet, and no one has offered to help, but the sound alone terrifies the dogs and my mother.

Cost: $59.95 (eligible for Prime two-day shipping) 59 reviewers have given it a rating of 3.9 stars.


Amazon has a Men’s At-Home Sperm Fertility Test.

You can test your sperm at home for $60, saving you a trip to the doctor’s office. This is ideal for individuals who are just inquisitive about their swimmers or who want to eliminate some of the uncertainty when it comes to family planning. It’s not a crazy concept in general, but the price of a device that shows your sperm in action is insanely low.

Review: It’s very great.

This product has truly pleased me. It was quite simple to use, and the movie was extremely entertaining to watch. I would consult a doctor if you have real concerns. However, if you’re searching for a first step at home, I’d suggest this product. It’s also a lot less awkward than dropping off a sample in public!

Cost: $24.99 (eligible for Prime two-day shipping) From 26 reviews, the average rating is 3.6 stars.


Tarantula Tarantula Tarantula Tarantula Tarantula Tarantula Tarantul

Nobody likes a juicy tarantula. Gross. Dehydrated tarantula, however, is another story. This Tarantula Tarantula Tarantula Tarantula Tarantula Tarantula Tarantul comes in a can for safe keeping, ensuring your tarantula arrives with all dessicated legs intact. The best part is, it’s dusted with barbeque seasoning, so it will surely please even picky taste buds.

Good stuff, in my opinion.

It’s a tad too dry. The spider was in fantastic shape and wasn’t damaged. This is for you if you like eating spiders.

The cost is $49 (plus $7.82 for delivery). From 6 reviews, the average rating is 3.7 stars.


Exerciser for the Toes

Just because toe exercise equipment is hard to come by at the gym doesn’t mean you can’t get a nice toe workout. You can have your own training equipment that employs little resistance bands to specifically work each of your toes for just over $50 plus delivery. You’ll be set for sandal season with this and a pedicure.

Genuine opinion: I adore it.

It’s fantastic, and I use it all the time with customers. Even when my customers wear socks, I can get it on their toes. It allows me to work on them more quickly than if I used TheraBands on each toe separately.

Cost: $8.95 (eligible for Prime two-day shipping) 6 reviewers have given it a rating of 3.5 stars.

Pills to Prevent Stage Fright You may imagine the audience in their underwear if you want, but you won’t need to with stage fright pills. It’s available as a one-time purchase or a monthly membership, although unless you’re a highly nervous professional performer, the latter is generally not essential. These easy-to-pop tablets can quickly melt away your stage jitters, and you can rest confident that they are non-drowsy and homeopathic.

Homeopathy is effective when administered appropriately.

As expected from Boiron, the quality is excellent. But, as is customary, amateurs are not welcome. Homeopathy requires dexterity and accuracy. Don’t declare “Homeopathy doesn’t work!” because you’ve misapplied our treatments.

It should not be used on a regular basis; instead, consult a skilled Homeopath. You shouldn’t expect an MD to know how to utilize them.

Cost: $19.88 (with free shipping) 37 reviewers have given it a rating of 3.5 stars.


Chicken Eggs with a High Chance of Hatching

In the dead of winter, you’d be hard-pressed to locate viable chicken eggs at your local Tractor Supply, but Amazon has them in stock by the half-dozen. What’s nice about the eggs is that they come from a variety of chicken breeds, so you never know what kind of chicken egg you’ll receive. Isn’t that a lot of fun?

Real Life Experience: AWESOME!

Our Polish chicken got wild for our red star eggs and started taking them. We let her three and a half weeks to wait on some eggs before realizing they weren’t viable. We don’t know whether our Bantam rooster is fertilizing their eggs, but she wouldn’t stop taking eggs and sitting, sitting, sitting! We decided to purchase her a 6-pack of eggs to hatch and make her happy… so she could get rid of the terrible eggs and concentrate on becoming the mother she desired.

Price: $9.99 for a purchase or $2.99 for a rental There are no reviews yet.


Amazon has a Scuba Diving Meditation Course.

Scuba dive meditation will take your diving experience to new dimensions. Scuba diving, which is already considered an extreme activity, may be taken to new heights with deep sea meditation. For $10, you can master the art of scuba diving and zen in only ten “subtly” informative movies. This is a great deal for an otherwise pricey sport. Just keep in mind that this is for expert divers only, not beginners.

Real Review: There are currently no reviews available for this. This might be due to buyers being too zen to post a review, or because they are still at the bottom of the ocean.

Cost: $24.95 (eligible for Prime two-day shipping) There are no reviews yet.


Amazon has a candle that smells like Chinese food.

For approximately the same price as Chinese takeout, you can save the calories and fill your house with the fresh aroma of General Tso’s Chicken. Who doesn’t appreciate the wafting aroma of Chinese cuisine, even if it is a bit of a tease? Who, for that matter, isn’t looking for a replacement for their worn-out Hawaiian beach-lavender-leather-vanilla-laundry tapers? The greatest aspect is that the Takeout Candle will last longer than takeout and will not stick to your hips.

There are currently no reviews available for the Chinese Takeout Candle. Instead of leaving a review, it’s probable that purchasers smelled the excellent candle and went out to have some General Tso’s.

Cost: $9.66 (with free shipping) 28 reviewers have given it a rating of 4.4 stars.


Amazon’s Makeup Protector Mask

No, this isn’t for additional protection on a jungle expedition, and it’s certainly not for the sake of appearances. It is, nonetheless, important since it keeps cosmetics and clothing clean when changing. The reusable version costs about $10 and is perfect for folks who regularly find themselves in the situation of needing to put on full makeup while putting on an outfit. Simply remember to remove it before heading out for the evening.

Real Review: Definitely dual-purpose.

Certainly, it serves a dual purpose: 1) When disrobing and dressing, keep your makeup off your white shirt. 2) Scaring my family and anybody else who comes into touch with me when I’m wearing this.

The Bottom Line – Amazon’s 20 Strangest Finds

Amazon is, without a doubt, the go-to place for practically anything. With a sticker depicting an old lady using an asthma inhaler to liven up dreary walls and a barbeque-flavored tarantula for arachnophobes, this list is certainly a resource for anyone seeking the strange and extreme. With more growth on the way, Amazon is prepared to boost their bizarre game. But, other than dinosaur skulls and circumcision kits, what’s weirder?

The “weird things you can buy online” is a list of 20 strange items that you can purchase on The list includes things like a $2,000 toilet seat and a $1,500 gold-plated iPhone case.

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