Top 13 Customer Service Response Templates (B2B & B2C)

Adapting customer service responses to your market is a cost-effective way to improve customer satisfaction and drive more business. This resource provides 13 templates for B2B and B2C organizations.

Top 13 Customer Service Response Templates (B2B & B2C)

Email and other online interactions that answer consumer issues are used as customer service replies. They demonstrate that you care about your consumers’ experiences with you and that you will address their complaints. To reduce time and promote uniformity, customer service answer templates are often utilized. Here are 13 customizable templates to get you started.

1. Product was not delivered to the customer

Send this form of an email to consumers who contact you because they haven’t gotten a product they’ve ordered immediately after they’ve alerted you. The client may be frustrated or disappointed that they have not received their order, and here is your chance to show them that you will do all possible to ensure they get it as soon as possible.

In most circumstances, apologizing for the inconvenience and then proposing a remedy to the issue is acceptable. Sending a replacement may be simpler and more cost-effective depending on the item. In other circumstances, it may be more suitable to do research, follow the product’s location, and then respond appropriately.

The email template below assumes you’ve verified the product was sent to the incorrect address. You’ve now issued a replacement, which will be sent to the right location through fast delivery. For this issue and answer, a customer response email template is provided below.

Email Template

Replacement of Your [Product] is the subject line of this email. Greetings,

Thank you for taking the time to let us/me know that your [Product] was not delivered on [date of discussion]. We investigated the situation and sent a replacement today, [date].

We’ve mailed it [overnight delivery type] so you may get your replacement straight away. The tracking information for your package may be found at the bottom of this email.

We regret the inconvenience and want you to know that we value customer satisfaction. We’re giving you [percent off, $ off] your next purchase with us since you’ve been a client for [length of time they’ve been a customer]. We really appreciate your patronage.

Please contact us if you have any queries or issues.

[Insert tracking information here] Sincerely, [Customer Happiness Department] [Person’s name] [Phone Number] is a placeholder for [Phone Number].

2. Email for Product Returns

Customers are often prompted to return things they have bought for a variety of reasons. It might be an ill-fitting piece of apparel or a computer that doesn’t fulfill the demands of your company’s new recruit. The buyer no longer wants the item and wants to return it to you for a refund. In this case, you’ll want to explain how to return a product smoothly and urge them to think about alternative goods for a possible swap or when the need arises.

In most cases, it’s OK to express displeasure that the product didn’t meet their expectations. After that, you should ask them how they wish to address the matter. It’s up to you to outline how the product return will be handled in an email or letter after they’ve informed you how they want to handle it.

The email template below assumes that your client is returning a product because it did not satisfy the demands of their employee. You’ve completed a refund on a return. The customer response email template for this issue and reaction is provided below.

Email Template

Confirmation of [Product] Return is the subject line. Greetings,

We have completed a return of the [bought product] based on our communication on [date of product return conversation]. We’re sorry this product didn’t reach your expectations, but we understand.

You will find a shipping label attached that you can print and attach to the item to return to us for free.

The three easy stages are as follows:

  1. Return [product] to its original shipment box with all of its original packing.
  2. Print the shipping label and adhere it to the package.
  3. Take it to the [shipping partner, i.e., post office, UPS, etc.] that is closest to you.

(Note: you may use your own procedure in place of the above.)

We will give a refund as soon as we get the returned item. You will get a refund of [dollar amount] on your credit card within [number of business days it takes for the client to obtain a refund].

We appreciate your business and hope you’ll keep us in mind for future hires.


[Name, Title, and Department] [Contact information, including phone number and website address]

3. Wrong Product Received

When a consumer gets the incorrect goods, they may become dissatisfied and ask for a refund or for the product they originally intended to be sent. Regardless of their choice, you must communicate with them about how you intend to manage the problem to their satisfaction.

We’ve assumed the buyer wants the product they bought in the template below. They do not want a return and have said that they will get the proper merchandise as soon as possible.

Email Template

Your [Correct Product] Ships [Date/Time] is the subject line of your email. Greetings,

Thank you for contacting us to inform us that you received the incorrect goods. Please accept our apologies for any trouble this has caused you. We’re sending you the right thing, [name of correct product], and it’ll arrive on [shipping date]. We shipped it through fast delivery, so you should have it by [date expected].

Please return [incorrect goods] with the accompanying shipping label and instructions in the original delivery box and packing.

If you have any more queries, please contact us.

Warm regards,

[Name and title of Customer Service Manager] [Contact information, including phone number and website]

4. Email with a Billing Error

Customers may be enraged by billing mistakes, particularly if the sums are large. In these cases, it’s critical to adopt an apologetic tone, remedy the mistake as soon as possible, and provide the client something that will help maintain the connection and establish faith that you’ll take steps to properly charge them in the future.

The email template below implies you’ve accepted responsibility for the mistake, given them a credit for the amount they were overbilled, and taken efforts to guarantee their billing is accurate in the future.

Email Template

Your [product or service] in the subject line Billing Statement That Has Been Corrected Greetings,

Thank you for alerting us to the billing irregularities on your most recent statement. Please accept our heartfelt apologies for the oversight.

I processed and issued a credit to your credit card on file in the amount of [amount of credit] during our call.

I also changed the recurring billing amount to [the amount they should be billed], which is your contract’s [customizable] rate.

We’d want to compensate you for our blunder by offering you [a product trial, discount, points, or other incentive-based on customer data, if feasible].

We value your patronage and look forward to assisting you in the months ahead. [Name of Customer Service Representative] [Telephone Number, Web Address]

5. Poor Customer Service Email Follow-up

When businesses fail to provide exceptional customer service, consumers will phone or write to express their dissatisfaction. When consumers take the time to notify you about a poor customer service experience, your answer should be tailored to their unique problems.

An email template is provided below that recognizes a customer service failure and gives solutions to rectify the situation.

Email Template

Subject line: [Name of CompanyMost ]’s Recent Customer Experience Greetings,

Thank you for taking the time to share your recent customer service experience with us.

We truly regret your negative experience and hope you will give us another opportunity to earn your business.

When consumers submit feedback on [a particular customer service area, such as in-store encounters or phone calls], we investigate what occurred and use what we’ve learned to improve service quality.

We’d want to reward you with [your unique offer, such as discounts, vouchers, or gift cards] for giving us another opportunity to earn your business.

We look forward to seeing you again soon. [Name of Customer Service Manager] [Phone Number] is a placeholder for [Phone Number].

6. Request for a refund Email Follow-up

Customers seek refunds for a number of reasons. They may be dissatisfied with their purchase or their whole experience. Alternatively, they may have determined that the product or service is not suitable for them. If the request was filed in accordance with your refund policy, you should handle it immediately. The following form assumes that the refund request is within the company’s refund policy.

Email Template

Your [product or company[subject ]’s line] Request for a refund Greetings,

Thank you for contacting us to seek a refund on your [product or service] purchase.

Our objective for our goods and services is to satisfy our clients’ demands at all times.

We would happily fulfill your choice since your request comes inside our refund policy [briefly outline refund policy, such as “no questions asked returns in 30 days,” etc.].

Your request has been handled, and a refund has been given to your credit card company [customize this depending on how they paid and how you handle refunds]. This credit may take up to [number of days] to appear on your account.

If you have any questions, please contact us. [Name and title of customer service representative] [Contact information, including phone number and website]

7. Taking Care of Your Request Email Follow-up

Some consumer requests need further investigation or time to resolve. It’s critical to let your consumers know that you’re still working on their requests and haven’t forgotten about them in these scenarios. When you’re still studying or investigating a problem and want the client to know you haven’t forgotten about them, use the email template below.

Email Template

Subject line: [Name of Product or Company[Name ]’s of Product or Company[Name ]’s of Product or Company]’ Request Greetings,

We just wanted to let you know that we’re still looking into your [kind of request or query] from [date of submission]. We haven’t given up on you. Researching complex scenarios takes time, but be assured that we are working hard to offer you the greatest [solution or response].

[Name of Customer Service Specialist] has been assigned to your case as a special request supervisor. Please do not hesitate to contact him personally if you have any queries.

[Specialist contact information]

Warm regards, Customer Service Department [Contact information, including phone number and website]

8. Resources & Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve seen a trend of inquiries consumers ask regarding our goods and services over time. Many businesses establish a knowledge base or other tools to relieve their customer support representatives from having to repeatedly answer the same queries. The email template below is for a follow-up to a frequently requested inquiry. The email responds to the query and refers to relevant resources that may be used to address more queries.

Email Template

Your Question About [Question Topic] is the subject line of your email. Greetings,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding [query subject].

We receive that question a lot, so here’s our best response:

[Use this area to provide a quick response.] For instance, our program integrates directly with QuickBooks Online and Desktop.]

Visit our knowledge base by clicking on this link for more information on how our software interacts and functions with QuickBooks Online and Desktop. There are step-by-step instructions and videos on how to set it up as well as the features that will be most useful to you.

I hope I was of assistance to you today. Please contact us if you have any more queries.

Sincerely, [Name of Customer Service Representative] [Contact Information for Customer Service]

This follow-up email template is available in Docx, PDF, or Google Doc format.

9. Email with a Pricing Question

Pricing is a topic that both customer service and sales encounter. This is particularly true in circumstances when the cost is not based on a flat rate but rather on a price-per-user approach. A price customer service response template can save you or your customer care representative a lot of time. Here’s an example of a follow-up template for a price query.

Email Template

Your [product] price query in the subject line Greetings,

Thank you for contacting us to inquire about our [product/service] price.

The [product or service name] is [specified price] and is based on a monthly rate, flat charge [kind of pricing].

Please examine all of the features that come with this price tier [may be adjusted] by clicking on this pricing link.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any more inquiries.

[Name of Customer Service Rep & Best Contact Information].

10. Email Question about a Product Feature

Your feature descriptions will create queries from clients who are interested in your product or service and want to learn more about a certain feature. It’s critical to provide clients with enough information to address their queries without overloading them with the material they didn’t want in your response emails. The template below responds to the customer’s inquiry and gives connections to other resources if they need it.

Email Template

Your Question About [product feature] is the subject line of this email. Greetings,

Thank you for contacting us to inquire about [product feature].

Our [product feature] can [what it does], making it simpler for you to [address the issue it solves]. It operates on the basis of [how the feature works without going into too much technical detail].

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions regarding [product feature].

Sincerely, [Name of Customer Service Representative and Contact Information]

11. Problem-Solving Email Follow-up

When a client has had a product or service problem that has been addressed, use the issue resolution follow-up. Notifying your client that their problem has been fixed and giving them specifics may help create trust and lead to future business. The template below summarizes the problem and provides a high-level overview of the solution to the client.

Email Template

Your [kind of problem] has been resolved, according to the subject line. Greetings,

Thank you for getting in touch with us about [customer concern]. We have examined the topic and have come up with a solution, as promised when we talked with you on [date they documented the issue].

We apologize for the [product/service] predicament, which was caused by [short explanation of reason].

We’ve fixed the problem, so you shouldn’t have any more problems in the future. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

[Name of Customer Service Representative and Contact Information]

12. Online Negative Review

We don’t always have the capacity to react to terrible client experiences in this day and age of internet reviews. Some clients may not tell you about their negative experience, but will instead publish it on review sites and give you a low rating. A ruined reputation and lost business may result from too many of these. The response form below shows how to respond to unfavorable reviews on the internet and how to handle client concerns.

Email Template

Example of a Negative Review: My stay at the XYZ Hotel on a recent business trip was a disaster. The staff was obnoxious and unhelpful. I’d give them a zero-star rating if I could. Frank Frequent Flyer is the name of the reviewer.

Stars: 1

Template for Customer Service Responses:

Good day, Frank. I just read your evaluation of our hotel and would want to express my condolences for your recent experience. I’m Amanda Walker, Customer Happiness Manager, and I’d want to learn more about your experience so we can better serve you. If you’re interested, please contact me at [contact information] so we can talk more about it. Please accept my deepest apologies once again.

13. Positive Feedback on the Internet

When clients are ecstatic about a wonderful experience they’ve had with your business, they share it with the rest of the world through online reviews. If consumers post intelligently written good reviews, you should appreciate them for their time and consideration. It tells them, as well as everyone else who reads the review, that you value their compliments and opinions, and that you recognize and reward excellent service. You may use this template as a guide.

Example of a Positive Online Review and Reaction

Example of a Positive Review: My stay at the XYZ Hotel on a recent business trip was just great. The staff was really kind and accommodating. I’d give them ten stars if I could.

Frank Frequent Flyer is the name of the reviewer.

Stars: 5

Template for Customer Service Responses:

Good day, Frank. I just finished reading your assessment of our hotel and wanted to express how much we value candid and good comments. We compensate our employees for making our customers’ stays enjoyable. This is one of the reasons our team is so kind and helpful. Could you please email me at [contact information] with the names of the staff members who provided the finest experience? We’ll be able to see them right away. I eagerly await your response.

This follow-up email template is available in Docx, PDF, or Google Doc format.

Best Practices for Customer Service Response

When it comes to developing customer service best practices, there are a few options. They include thanking the consumer for contacting you and informing you of a problem they’re experiencing with your business or pointing out something you’re doing well. They also include informing them of your plan of action if there is anything that needs to be fixed.

There are a few more excellent practices to keep in mind:

  • Always express gratitude to the consumer for contacting you.
  • Recognize the details of any queries, concerns, complaints, ideas, or praises received.
  • When dealing with issues, make a plan of action for resolving them.
  • Avoid responding in a way that makes your customer angry or accuses them of being at fault for a service failure.
  • Make sure the message comes from a particular individual who can be reached at any time.

Using these best practices will help you create customer support email templates that will help you develop stronger customer connections. Failures or questions about service may be used to establish trust, respect, and loyalty. Building these connections depends on how you react to and interact with them.


Customer service response templates are part of a bigger CRM process and may be used to prepare ahead for any answer you’ll need to deliver. When examined by an attorney ahead of time, they may keep you out of legal problems. During some of the most unpleasant customer contacts, they may also communicate a good and consistent brand message. Customer service email templates can save time for your customer support representatives.

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