Top 25 Elevator Pitch Tips & Examples From the Pros

We all know that elevator pitches are important, but few of us could come up with one on the spot. Leave it to the pros! These experienced leaders share their insight and tips before you take your first step into pitching territory.

Top 25 Elevator Pitch Tips & Examples From the Pros

From the professionals, here are 25 of the most engaging elevator pitch guidelines and examples.


1. Use an Irresistible Hook

Tom Scarda, CFE,

Having a memorable catchphrase or play on words is the greatest elevator speech trick. Furthermore, in order to stand out from the rest of the crowd, it’s critical to speak in the listener’s language, i.e., their suffering and difficulties.

Hello, my name is [name], and I work at [company] as the [job title]. We enjoy [memorable catchphrase] because [unique value proposition]. We take advantage of [feature of a product or service that alleviates a problem]. We have [major competitive differentiators]. [Call to action (CTA)] if you’re [identifying a client’s pain point].

Hello, my name is Tom Scarda, and I am the CEO of the Franchise Academy. We assist individuals who want to own a company rather than work a job discovering the appropriate franchise to help them achieve their objectives, same to how harmony helps people find love. We utilize a system that connects individuals with opportunities that have been pre-screened for the best results based on their talents and personalities. We deal with a smaller number of businesses, but they are the finest of the best franchises in the nation. We should speak if you’re thinking about making a career or life shift.


2. Communicate Clearly

The WordSorters’ Principal, Amy Sorter

Make sure the advantages to the person or business to whom you’re presenting are clearly stated in the elevator pitch. Make it more about “what we do and how it helps the other person,” rather than “what we do.” A successful elevator pitch should describe the product or service in detail and demonstrate how it benefits the recipient.


Organization name + product/service + unique value proposition + outcome for the person or company being pitched

The WordSorters, for example, collaborate with you to provide engaging content of all kinds to your target audience. As a result, brand recognition and lead generation improve, eventually boosting your bottom line.


3. Maintain a natural tone

Melitta Campbell is a female entrepreneur’s business coach.

The greatest elevator pitch, in my opinion, is one that sounds natural, attracts attention, and initiates a discussion. This approach appeals to me since it is simple to memorize and does not sound rehearsed. You may even prepare a few alternative versions to fit your various customer types so that no matter who you’re in an elevator with, you’ll always be able to give them the ideal customized pitch.


I am a (describe what you do) who helps (describe your ideal customers) (state the solution and benefit you provide).

For instance, I work as a business consultant for aspiring female entrepreneurs. I provide organized and cost-effective programs to help people overcome their fears and doubts, develop their entrepreneurial skills and confidence, and establish a company they enjoy that produces the outcomes they want.


4. Keep your sentences to 70 words or less.

A. Bright Idea’s Director of Public Relations, Teri O’Neal

You just have 20 to 30 seconds to grab someone’s attention. To steer the discussion, use compelling and succinct language. Make every word count. The typical individual can say 70 words in 30 seconds.

Start with your USP [unique selling proposition], then describe the product or service before concluding with a benefit.

Few jobs, for example, allow you to work on chemical weapons demilitarization one minute and vineyard marketing the next. We do all of this and more at A. Bright Idea. We provide strategic communications services to a wide range of businesses. What began as a single person’s idea has grown into a full-service creative playground that spans the country. A. Bright Idea assists businesses in achieving their objectives with specialists in public relations, advertising, graphic design, and interactivity.


5. Keep track of the people you’ve approached.

Jillian Ilao, FitSmallBusiness Reviews Editor

Because salespeople are constantly on the go, keeping track of the prospective customers they’ve pitched may be difficult. To ensure that no prospect is forgotten, we suggest utilizing an integrated customer relationship management (CRM) solution. Freshsales allows you to scout prospects and keeps track of every lead you’ve contacted. It provides mobile access to its CRM, allowing you to manage your contacts on the go, even if you have a hectic schedule. Sign up for Freshsales’ FREE FOREVER starting plan by clicking here.


6. Define your one-of-a-kind value proposition

Adrian Salamunovic, FREE PR Book co-author

A unique value proposition (UVP) is a marketing technique that allows you to connect with your consumers. It explains what sets you different from the competition in your market and demonstrates the advantages of utilizing your product or service. People should be able to comprehend what you do, who you do it for, and why you’re better or different from the competition while selling your business.

Our (product or service name) is (product category) for (target customer) who (statement of need or opportunity) (statement of benefit). In contrast to (our rivals), we provide (main point of differentiation).

[This is Mailchimp’s UVP] as an example

Our product is an always-on marketing automation platform that lets you share email and ad campaigns with clients, customers, and other interested parties for nontechnical marketers seeking for a simple to use solution to generate ROI [return on investment] from email marketing. We provide a simple, user-friendly, and inexpensive service, unlike our rivals Constant Contact and Bronto.


7. Get to the point quickly.

Nick Disney is the owner of the company Sell My San Antonio House.

You must explain how you can assist that individual or that person’s company with an issue they are experiencing inside the first 10 seconds of your elevator speech. Business owners and decision-makers have a lot on their plates, and they want to work with individuals who can help them solve problems. Demonstrate your ability to offer answers straight away, and you’ll have a far better chance of keeping their attention for the remainder of your elevator pitch. This will also help you stand out from the crowd of other individuals that made pitches.

Hello, my name is [insert your name here]. [Your company’s name] is mine. We assist [target audience] with [an issue for which you offer a solution]. We’ve previously aided [kind of individuals you’ve aided]. We [reasons for selecting you]. [tell them of your contact information], [call to action].

My name is Nick, and I’d want to introduce myself. Sell My San Antonio House is a company that I own. We assist property owners in getting rid of headache properties that are wasting their time, money, and energy so they can focus on what matters most to them. We have the greatest expertise and connections to assist individuals with inherited properties, problematic renters, empty homes, foreclosure properties, and everything in between. The easiest method to reach me is to call this number. Call me later and I’ll be happy to assist you.


8. Make Your Job Title Simple to Understand

Bridgett McGowen, BMcTALKS Academy’s Awarded International Professional Speaker

People begin their elevator presentations by stating their formal work titles. This is a common blunder that should be avoided since it may widen the gap between the speaker and the listener. An elevator pitch must make it simple to figure out what a professional does and why he or she does it in order to entice someone to lean in and want to learn more. The pitch should show how one’s efforts and vision may help the listener be more successful at what they do.

Sentence 1 (Your name, a title that everyone understands/what you do, and your company affiliation) + Sentence 2 (Identify target client + Identify target client’s desired result + Identify why the unwanted or inconvenient steps you help the client avoid so he or she can achieve that desired result)

For example, my name is Bridgett McGowen, and I work at BMcTALKS as a professional speaker. I work with businesswomen who want to talk with authority and executive presence but don’t want to spend time reading books or watching videos that don’t provide them with accurate feedback on their presenting abilities.


9. Begin by posing a question.

Paige Arnof-Fenn, Mavens & Moguls’ Founder & CEO

You only have a minute or less to create an impression, so make the most of it. My advice is to concentrate on the most important elements, such as who, why, selling point, and ask, and to use your objective to drive your presentation. Starting with a question that focuses on an issue that your target audience has that you can help solve is a straightforward approach to organizing it. After that, explain what you do, and then add the value or advantage you provide.

Ask a question that pinpoints a problem, then explain what you do and establish your unique value proposition.

For instance, do you want to discover more clients and shorten your sales cycle? As a virtual marketing department that works as an extension of your team, I like assisting companies in finding the appropriate words and images to raise their profile and create awareness in order to get their story out there both online and offline in engaging ways. The aim is to make contact and have a discussion in order to determine whether you can assist them in solving an issue.


10. Create a story that revolves around your listener.

Dan Woerheide is a marketing and business coach.

People want to learn how to be the hero of their own tale, so when your company comes along and tells them about all of the wonderful things you do, they’re more likely to shut you out because they don’t see how you fit into their narrative. I suggest engaging prospects in a narrative, preferably their own tale, as a simple and entertaining way of garnering their attention.

Define an issue + Offer a one-of-a-kind solution + Complete the change.

For instance, many small companies struggle to discover and convert quality leads, and they spend a lot of time and money on marketing that isn’t yielding the desired results. I assist them in improving their communication with their staff and consumers in order to boost marketing ROI, create more quality leads, and expand their company.


11. Stay away from industry jargon

Mimi Bishop is the founder and owner of Mimi Bishop Enterprises.

Write a pitch that talks directly to your target client, eliminating industry jargon and utilizing their language. Individuals like to purchase from people they know, like, and believe in. Validation is one of the most effective methods to gain someone’s confidence. Potential customers will feel understood if you speak to them in a language that they understand.

I am a (who I am) who collaborates with (who I work with). The women I work with (a problem in their words) don’t know where to begin (an issue in their words) or how to get started (a problem in their words) (a problem in their words). While they’re still working 9 to 5, I (what I do for them) that (acknowledge what they hope for) and (acknowledge what they want).

For instance, I am a side-hustle coach who works with full-time working women who want to start an internet company on the side. The women I deal with are very motivated, but often lack free time, don’t know where to begin, or have tried a few things and failed to make significant progress. I show them how to start an online side business that will keep them occupied and earn money while they continue to work a 9-to-5 job.


12. Strengthen and Expand Your Brand

Enerpace, Inc.’s founder and president, Elene Cafasso, MCC, is an expert in executive coaching.

Any effective elevator pitch will address who you assist, what you do for them, and how you do it. This contributes to the development of your professional brand. What would you want to be remembered for? It’s critical to plan ahead of time to develop and convey your brand. You don’t want people to do it for you because then you’ll end up with mixed signals. We must maintain control over the message and ensure that they are speaking exactly what we want them to say.

Who you help + What you do + How you do

For example, we assist CEOs at fast-growing businesses in catching up and maintaining their success.


13. Create a Bigger Picture

FaithVenture Media Co-Founder Jeremy G. Woods

When crafting an elevator speech, keep in mind that the pain areas should be general rather than specific. This is due to the fact that you may not know the person with whom you’re conversing.


State your name and title, then begin with an issue that many people encounter, then go on to what occurs if the problem isn’t addressed (or get it fixed poorly). Mention your company’s name and how it can help solve the issue. Finish it off with a memorable hook (such as if our product breaks, we will replace it forever). Give them your business card and a call to action.


14. Concentrate on the Advantage

Yuloff Creative Marketing Solutions, Hank & Sharyn Yuloff, Business Coaches

One of our favorite elevator speeches is one we put up for a bashful customer. She felt like she was constantly selling when people asked what she did, and she needed to get away from it. The “You know how/Well, I” elevator speech is what we call it. When someone inquires about your job, respond with a benefit.


Do you know how to [insert particular ailment]? We, on the other hand, [advantage]

“Do you realize how difficult it may be to locate the perfect web person? We, on the other hand, pre-screen coders.”


15. Get some ideas from movie trailers

The Jeffrey S. , Moorad Center for the Study of Sports Law

I tell my students that movie trailers are great examples of how to make a successful elevator pitch. A movie trailer seems to give the audience all they need to know about the film, but in reality, it perfectly compresses the finest parts of a two-plus hour film into two minutes, communicating just what the viewer needs to know to persuade them to purchase a ticket. The impression you want to make is the same one that movie companies hope their trailers will elicit: “Wow, I want to learn more about that.”


16. Finish Your Pitch with a Smooth Segue

Joann Perahia, Systemic Solutions, Inc. owner, partner, and vice president

Any elevator speech must begin with a segue. If you don’t want people to assume you’re on the phone or insane, then don’t simply start chatting. There are a variety of conversation starters, and depending on your business and which elevator you’re on, there are a variety of innovative methods to begin a discussion.


Hello, my name is (name) and I am from (location) (company name). We are a company that specializes in (value proposition) (target market). We provide the following services: (your product or service). We’re distinct because (primary competitive points of difference). (CTA).

Hello, how are you doing today? Joann Perahia is from Systemic Solutions, and her name is Joann Perahia. We’re a full-service IT [information technology] company focused on small and medium-sized companies. We provide IT services the way they should be delivered. We’re unique in that we don’t sell you gear or software; instead, we provide full services and advise you on the best practices for your company. For a free consultation, give us a call.


17. Respond to four important questions

Marina Shumaieva, CruiseBe’s Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder

To create a successful pitch, it must be concise while also providing information on at least four points: What’s your name? What exactly are you up to? Who requires it? What makes this so special? It’s also crucial that the text be understood even by someone who lives thousands of miles away. This pitch has a maximum duration of 30 seconds. In the vast majority of instances, even less. I believe that 10 to 15 seconds is the best choice.

(Company name) provides (unique value proposition) to (target market) with a (product or service features).

CruiseBe, for example, is a one-stop-shop marketplace and social network for cruisers that offers a day-by-day cruise itinerary as well as a full list of attractions in each port of call and an offline route navigation system aboard the ship.


18. Don’t rush; take your time.

Moshes Law Attorney Gennady Litvin

When making an elevator pitch, don’t hurry or ramble. Instead, take your time and ensure that you’re communicating clearly enough for them to comprehend. Rushing through it will do you more damage than good. What good is pitching them if they can’t understand what you’re saying? Also, even though this is a pitch, make it conversational and find a way to involve them to convert a pitch into a discussion.


We’re (business name) and we’re here to help you with (what you do) (target market). This is accomplished by (unique value proposition). We’ve accomplished this by (accomplishment).

For example, we’re XYZ Consulting, and we specialize in B2B [business-to-business] sales and marketing consulting. We do this by combining current sales and marketing strategies and approaches with psychology that still works in this age. We’ve assisted X number of companies in generating X amount of income and growth as a result of our efforts.


19. Forget to Include Something Important

Auto Accessories Garage’s Communications & Organic Search Manager, Jim Milan

What have people said about your elevator pitch? Keep it brief. “However, how can I condense all of the essential information into a 150-word pitch?” You may inquire. You don’t have to. In fact, you must purposefully omit something essential. Leave it out if you can think of the most brilliant element of your company concept, the one that makes it all work. You’ll pique your audience’s attention in a manner that a full explanation of a company concept could never accomplish. “But how could this possibly work?” you want your audience to wonder. That’s when you hand them the last puzzle piece.

Hello, my name is (insert name here) (company name). We (what you do in the most basic words), but what’s more interesting is we (what makes you different in the most basic terms, ideally in the eyes of your target market). Then, as soon as your audience has taken the bait, proceed with your explanation.

“Hello, my name is Richard, and I’m with Movie Pass.” We’re a movie ticket app, but the cool part is that we just charge $10 per month and customers may purchase as many tickets as they like from any theater.” “Well, like Facebook or Google, the lion’s share of revenues comes from selling user data and preferences to advertising,” answer when they inquire how you generate money.


20. Begin with an attention-getting tool

Cardinal Digital Marketing’s CEO, Alex Membrillo

Make sure to start your elevator pitch with something intriguing to pique the person’s curiosity in learning more about you. Begin your pitch by stating a fascinating fact or statistic. Don’t leave it till the end if you have a big figure like we sell $3 million in ice cream every year. Instead, utilize the data to pique your audience’s interest. Always strive for a question from your audience, as well as a request for your business card.

I’m [business name[job ]’s title], and my name is [name]. [business name] [attention-getting headline] [Unique value proposition] is what we have to offer. We [highlights of the firm].

For instance, my name is Alex Membrillo, and I’m the CEO of Cardinal Digital Marketing. Cardinal accelerates client growth by providing a 10:1 return on investment. We provide cutting-edge digital marketing services that help companies connect with their consumers. We now handle over $5 million in paid search advertising spending and are Atlanta’s top SEO [search engine optimization] firm.


21. Use a three-sentence structure in your writing.

JC+CO growth accelerants Inc.’s Chief Builder is Jacquelyn Cyr, MBA.

The ideal way to create an elevator pitch is to utilize a three-sentence format that starts with “what,” “how,” and “why.” The “what” in this material is unique to the functional product or service offering, the “how” is linked to the company’s operational differentiators, and the “why” comes from the heart, describing why the entrepreneur chose this sector. I recommend that entrepreneurs create lists of keywords and phrases that fall into each of these categories, then concentrate on the ones that are unique to their product.


22. Include a call to action

Vicki Langer, Founder & Owner of OoPS Inc., is the Chief OoPSMaster.

Remember that you can and should profit from every interaction you have while giving an elevator pitch that is all about selling yourself rather than a company. Include a call to action that will assist you. This might be a poll of workers, an interview, a few minutes of their time, mentoring, a position, or almost anything else. While this isn’t the only method to profit from your elevator pitch, it significantly increases your chances since your audience now understands precisely what you need.

My name is [name] and I work at [job title if applicable]. I spent the previous [relevant experience]. Now, I’m going to [what you’re doing right now]. I’d want to [plans and objectives]. I’d appreciate it if you could [CTA].

For example, my name is Vicki Langer, and I’m now unemployed. I spent the past eight years or so in the Air Force working in production management. Now, I manage a small zoo while looking for work and doing research for companies I want to establish. I’ve reached a stage where my future choices are overwhelming. I want to open a family entertainment center, enroll in an MBA school, explore a few retail ideas I’ve worked on, or find a job.


23. Don’t Be Too Obtrusive

Mettl’s CEO and Co-Founder, Ketan Kapoor

A PR pitch should never be overbearing about how you know all there is to know about their company and their next move. Keep the terminology fair and the tone interesting enough to pique the other person’s attention while remaining subtle enough not to oversell the proposal. A great pitch is all about striking the right balance between the concept and the words you use.


(Company name), a $(revenue and business model) company, offers a diverse variety of (product specs and range) to (target audience) in (location) (location).

For example, Mettl, a $15 million B2B company, offers a broad range of human resources (HR) SaaS [software-as-a-service]-based products, including psychometric assessment, cognitive testing, examination software, and learning and development (L&D) solutions, to both established and startup companies in various geographies around the world.


24. Make yourself relatable

Ample Opportunity’s President and CEO, Cory Collins

Your elevator pitch will be most successful if it describes what you do in such a manner that people “understand it,” and either desire your product or service or think of others who may. Don’t leave it up to the listener to figure out what you do, how it may benefit them, or even whether it might help them at all. Even if you believe your title is self-explanatory (such as “Business Coach,” “Credit Repair Specialist,” or “Financial Planner”), some individuals will have no idea what it involves. Many of them will also not ask you to elaborate.

My name is [name], and I am the CEO of [company]. Did you aware that many/most [target customer] [most problem/challenge]? Our business assists customers/clients by [explain your technique of providing these outcomes], which includes [create a detailed picture of what the results that you provide look like, including numbers/percentages if relevant].

My name is Ashton Lawrence, and I work at Capital Financial Solutions, Inc. Did you know that the majority of small company owners miss out on an average of seven to ten tax deductions each year? We can assist our customers to save up to $5,000 each year by showing them how to reduce their taxable income and avoid overpaying legally.


25. Identify three points in your pitch that are causing you pain.

The Champ Group’s owner, Michelle Beauchamp

Because most people purchase to get rid of their problems, I teach individuals how to craft elevator speeches that target the issues they help customers limit or eliminate. It is suggested that you identify three sources of discomfort. If you just recognize one and they are unable to connect, they will lose interest in how your business can assist them. At least one of the three will ring true if all three are addressed.

Attention-getter + Explanation with features and advantages + Check in + Hook

People work with us because they’re tired of wasting time putting together proposals only to have prospects disappear once they’ve received their recommendations with details on strategy and pricing; they’re frustrated that their pipeline is drying up because they haven’t asked for, or received, referrals or recommendations; or they’re flustered due to a lack of priority identification, or they’re flustered due to a lack of priority identification, or they’re flustered due to a lack of priority identification, or they We show them how to exclusively deal with genuine prospects, how to ask for recommendations, and how to replace busy work with doing what generates the most profit while outsourcing the rest.

Final Thoughts

The goal of an elevator pitch is to persuade prospective customers that they need your product or service right now. Improve your pitching abilities with these professional elevator pitch ideas to keep your audience interested in learning more about your company long after the 30 seconds are over.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a good elevator pitch?

An elevator pitch is a concise summary of your company that you can give to someone when you meet them for the first time. It’s short, sweet, and shares what makes your business unique so people take note of what it offers.

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