
Conversion Rate Optimization for B2B

Understand Your Audience Conversion rate optimization is a crucial process for B2B companies, as it allows them to understand and cater to the needs of their audience. When striving for higher conversion rates, understanding your target audience is essential. It’s not just about understanding their preferences and interests but also their pain points and challenges. Knowing this…

Conversion Rate Optimization for Digital Marketing

Understanding Conversion Rate Optimization Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is an essential part of digital marketing. Working to understand how visitors interact with your website, CRO can help you increase the number of visitors who convert into customers or carry out the desired action on your website. To successfully implement a CRO strategy, it is essential to understand the…

Conversion Rate Optimization for Customers

Identify Your Target Audience A key to successful conversion rate optimization is to identify your target audience. Knowing who your customers are and what they are looking for will help you determine what content and strategies you need to employ to get the most out of your conversions. To do this effectively, you want to research your customers,…

Conversion Rate Optimization for SEO

Understand Your Audience Before you can begin to optimize your conversion rate, it is crucial to understand your audience. What are they looking for? What is their problem or need? What do they expect to find on your website or landing page? Answering these questions will help you craft content and design features that appeal to…

E-Commerce Repeat Purchase Rate

Most studies estimate that e-commerce companies typically see repeat purchase rates between 20% and 40% (percentage of purchases coming from repeat customers versus new customers). The latest available data from 2020 shows that the repeat purchase rate is about 27%. However, this figure can vary widely between different e-commerce platforms. The impact of COVID-19 on…

Largest Agricultural Employers in California

Largest Agricultural Companies By Revenue #1. Dole Foods The company is headquartered in Westlake Village, California. Dole Food produces and markets fruits and vegetables. The company markets bananas and pineapples, table grapes, apricots, stone fruits, pears, citrus, iceberg lettuce-based salad mixes, specialty lettuce salads, complete Caesar salads, broccoli florets, cauliflower florets. The company has an estimated annual revenue…

Retail Loyalty Program

Retail Loyalty Program Features Three of the most desired features of a retail loyalty program are monetary rewards, tiers, and rewards options. Details regarding these features have been provided below. 1. Monetary Rewards One of the most desired features of a retail loyalty program are monetary rewards. According to a Synchrony Financial poll, 44% of Americans value…

Commercial Banking Trends

Increased lending and digital transformation are some emerging trends around customer experience in the B2B / commercial banking industry. 1. Increased Lending More commercial banks in the US are increasing lending for their customers. An article published by Statista provides that in October 2020, commercial banks in the US granted approximately $14.92 trillion. Using a graph, the article further…