What Is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is a process that helps companies like Amazon or Nordstrom increase their revenue. It does so by improving and optimizing the number of conversions to purchases, returning customers, and new customers made through different stages of the marketing flow. Sales funnels are complex representations of the overall customer journey from acquisition to closure.,

A sales funnel is a marketing tool that helps businesses attract and convert prospects into customers. It’s an approach to selling that involves creating a series of steps for your audience to take in order to complete a transaction. Sales funnels can be physical or digital, but the key feature of both is the same: they are designed to lead visitors through a series of questions and actions that will ultimately result in them making a purchase. Read more in detail here: sales funnel examples.

What Is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel depicts the steps of your sales process, from awareness to purchase, by depicting the consumer purchasing experience. The “funnel” form represents how, as you add leads to the top of the funnel, the number gradually declines from stage to stage until just a tiny proportion converts to consumers to the bottom. The measurements reflected in the phases of the sales funnel are important for sales forecasting, goal management, and performance improvement.

The Different Stages of a Sales Funnel

The The Different Stages of a Sales Funnel vary for each business depending on product or service offerings, operations, and tasks required to close a sale. Regardless, funnel stages typically include (one or more) stages when customers become aware of a business, are interested in what it offers, receive an offer, consider the offer, and make a purchase decision.

It’s important to note the distinct difference between a sales funnel and a sales pipeline. The The Different Stages of a Sales Funnel are current statuses of prospects, while sales pipeline stages refer to the activities undertaken to turn a prospect into a customer. The best way to relate the two visuals is by looking at a sales pipeline as the activities needed to get leads into the next stage of the sales funnel.


Pipeline operations in a sales funnel

Here are the five The Different Stages of a Sales Funnel:

1. Raising Public Awareness

This is the step in the funnel when prospective clients or leads first become aware of your brand and what your company has to offer. To begin a client journey, marketing activities such as promotion or special offers are often employed. Cold calling and email introductions, for example, are effective ways to raise awareness.

Are you just starting off with sales email introductions? Take a look at our introduction email templates to see how you may engage prospects with your message.

2. Developing Interest

Pipeline activities that pique the interest of leads are required to move leads into the nurturing interest stage of the sales funnel, encouraging them to learn more about your organization, product, service, or price. Cold calling and email introductions, similar to those used to raise awareness, may be used to pique interest, providing the lead is already aware of your brand or understands what your firm does.

Lead nurturing strategies may also be used to follow up with a lead by phone or email on a regular basis. Furthermore, delivering a free trial or demo is a great method to pique a lead’s curiosity in a risk-free setting before discussing cost. Asking pertinent inquiries about a lead’s demands might also assist to pique their attention.

3. Presenting Your Proposal

At this point, your lead is looking for information to analyze for a possible purchase. The offer might be presented in the form of a sales pitch or as part of a product demonstration.

The pitch might take the shape of a formal business proposal in response to a request for proposal (RFP), or it could be more informal, such as just explaining the price and scope of services to the prospect over the phone or by email. After receiving an offer, a lead normally does not stay in this stage for long, as they either reject it or go on to the next step.

4. Take into account

The lead goes to the consideration stage after proposing an offer. Depending on the product or service, back-and-forth bargaining may be necessary during this period to reach an agreement on price and conditions of service.

This is also the point at which a lead may have more inquiries regarding the offer. Lead nurturing may be necessary to shift the needle by following up on the possible buyer on a regular basis. When you give a prospect a proposal or contract that they must sign, you may need to contact or email them to overcome any remaining concerns and remind them to sign and return the document in order to complete the sale.

5. Make a decision

After giving it some thought, the lead decides whether to buy from your company and become a client, buy something else, or not buy anything at all. If the transaction falls through, you may attempt again later, when they’re back in the nurturing interest or presenting offer phases of the funnel, depending on how your sales process is set up.

If the lead agrees to make a purchase from your company, the following step is to complete the transaction, which may include a customer onboarding procedure. After a transaction, there may be extra steps for cross-selling, customer loyalty and retention, re-purchasing, upselling now or selling upgrades in the future, or any other kind of recurring purchase for your firm.

How to Make the Most of Your Sales Funnel

Using a sales funnel is all about keeping track of sales data. Assign each lead to the proper stage after your sales funnel stages are set, and then advance them to the next level as their customer journey progresses.

More information about developing the The Different Stages of a Sales Funnel can be found in our sales funnel template guide. This article provides a step-by-step process and free sales funnel templates you can download to create and customize your business’ sales funnel.

Your sales funnel may be used to determine a lead’s conversion rates from stage to stage, which will tell you precisely how many leads you need in the funnel to create the appropriate number of clients and reach your sales targets. Your funnel also offers a tale about how successful your sales strategies are at each level, allowing you to make changes to boost sales.

CRM (customer relationship management) software is a great way to keep track of your sales funnel since it organizes contacts and sales possibilities. Each lead’s (or opportunity’s) record may be examined and changed to display correct contact information, deal value, and stage in the sales process, which can then be compiled and turned into a funnel-style graphic.

Salesforce, for example, contains unique records for prospects that show where they are in the sales funnel and how much money they may be worth. That data may be integrated with other conversion chances in the sales funnel and shown in a funnel graphic.

Screenshot of Salesforce Opportunity Record with Pipeline Opportunity record in Salesforce with pipeline (Image courtesy of Salesforce)

Screenshot of Salesforce Opportunity Pipeline Converted to Funnel Format Salesforce’s opportunity pipeline has been transformed into a funnel (Source: oreilly.com)

CRMs may also be used to provide conversion rates for each step of the process. This not only helps in sales forecasting, but it also allows you to assess where bottlenecks exist in the sales process, allowing you to make improvements and move leads down the funnel more quickly. HubSpot does this by converting aggregated data from each lead or opportunity stage to a conversion percentage.


Conversion rates from HubSpot’s funnel (Image courtesy of SuperMetrics)

Pro tip: As a sales manager, you must maintain your team’s sales funnel full with chances by implementing lead generation tactics on a regular basis. Check out our definitive guide to sales management for insights on training, motivating, developing, and leading a sales staff for additional information on operating an efficient sales operation.

The Advantages of Using a Sales Funnel

Creating and maintaining a sales funnel has various benefits for your company. Providing clearly structured sales information, increased sales forecasting capabilities, insights for increasing overall sales performance, and a dependable method to monitor sales target progress are just a few of the advantages.

The following are some of the most significant advantages of employing a sales funnel:

The Sales Process in Pictures

A sales funnel is a useful tool for visualizing and managing your sales process and possible possibilities. You may learn how many leads go from one step to the next, how long each stage lasts, and how many or what kind of sales pipeline activities are most likely to move them along. This is accomplished via the use of aggregated views and analysis of existing leads, prospects, and customers in the sales process.

Improved Sales Predictions

A sales funnel may be used to forecast future revenue since it visualizes how prospects go through the sales process and convert to the next stage. You may compute the percentages of leads you intend to complete by multiplying the entire expected deal value in the funnel by conversion rates from the contemplation stage to the purchase decision stage, giving you a sales forecast.

The number of prospects in the consideration stage, the deal closure probability of each prospect, and the expected deal value of each opportunity are used to calculate a sales forecast. This provides you an estimate of how much sales income you may anticipate in a certain period of time. The following is the formula:

Sales Forecast = (percent Likelihood of Prospect A Purchasing x Estimated $ Deal Size) + (percent Likelihood of Prospect B Purchasing x Estimated $ Deal Size) + (percent Likelihood of Prospect C Purchasing x Estimated $ Deal Size) + (percent Likelihood of Prospect D Purchasing x Estimated $ Deal Size) + (percent Likelihood of Prospect E Purchasing x Estimated $ Deal Size)

HubSpot CRM has a sales funnel example that includes forecasting features. Users may see the status of each lead or opportunity as a funnel with conversion rates, as well as the total possible deal values in the pipeline, resulting in a solid sales forecast.


Forecasting sales deals using HubSpot’s funnel style (Image courtesy of HubSpot)

Sales Results Have Improved

The concept of visualizing leads moving through phases in a funnel allows you to increase sales success at each level. For example, if you notice that some phases of your sales funnel take longer to get a lead through than others, you can use this information to teach sales staff on how to get leads to the next step.

You may also utilize funnel data to dedicate more resources to each funnel step in order to optimize conversion rates. This might range from technology that speeds up a process, such as sales automation software, to financial assistance in the form of more project financing or advertising. Human resources may also be involved, such as the employment of extra personnel to assist with sales responsibilities such as lead research and qualification.

Managing Sales Objectives

Monitoring and monitoring team and individual sales objectives may relate to total conversions and conversion rates of a lead to the next sales stage, as well as total sales income earned. A sales funnel is an excellent approach to track progress in respect to current sales targets since it is basically a visual representation of sales stage conversions.

Sales funnels may also be used to figure out how many leads are required at each step to meet your sales targets. Let’s imagine your aim is to complete four sales by the end of the year, and you know the following funnel conversion rates:

  • 25% of leads that are aware of your company are eager to learn more.
  • 40% of your prospects want to be contacted with an offer.
  • 80 percent of the leads you’ve provided need to be followed up on.
  • In the consideration stage, 50% of your leads agree to buy.

This indicates that if you want to complete four sales, you’ll need to get at least 100 leads, with 25 of them interested in knowing more. Ten of the 25 will accept an offer, while the other eight will need more evaluation. Then four of the eight leads under consideration will agree to buy.


A sales funnel is a visualization used to manage the sales process by viewing each stage of the funnel as it relates to the customer journey. Your company can use sales funnels to assist in forecasting sales, making adjustments to improve performance, and setting and Managing Sales Objectives. Plus, sales CRMs leverage technology to help you track sales information, and make it easier to compile data and produce a sales funnel.

A “sales funnel template” is a sales process that uses pre-existing marketing strategies to drive potential customers to your website. The idea behind this type of marketing strategy is that it will help you increase the amount of leads and conversions.

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