What Is Automatic Call Distribution: A Guide for Small Business

Automatic call distribution systems are used in small businesses to remove the costly burden of managing and coordinating phone calls. This guide explains how these systems work, along with their benefits for both companies and employees alike.

Call distribution systems automate the process of routing calls and can be used to improve customer service.

An automated call distributor (ACD) is a component of a phone system that allows for automatic call distribution, also known as call routing, based on predefined criteria. Voice-over-internet-protocol (VoIP) and private branch exchange (PBX) systems both have it. Businesses utilize ACD solutions to increase customer happiness and experience by automating call routing.

How Does Call Distribution Work Automatically?

Automatic call distribution works in the background when calls come into your firm or contact center, routing callers to the appropriate agent, department, or extension. After-hours calls may be sent to voicemail, and incoming callers can be directed to the menu of your interactive voice response (IVR) system.

Callers are greeted with an IVR, which provides them with phone menu options such as a list of departments or selections depending on the cause of their call. The ACD transfers the client based on the call routing rules associated with their menu choices once the consumer interacts with the IVR using voice commands or their keypad.

Computer telephony integration (CTI) solutions integrate your phone technology with your help desk or customer relationship management (CRM) software on the agent’s end. As the ACD channels call your salespeople, it analyzes caller ID to discover information about existing contacts and may offer that information to them.


The stages of an ACD process might vary, however, they usually include the following:

  • When a call comes in, the IVR system at your call center greets the caller.
  • The caller hears the instructions and chooses one of them.
  • This information is used by automatic call distribution to route the caller according to your routing algorithms.

Automatic Call Distribution Methods: What Are They and How Do They Work?

In comparison to other service channels, the majority of customers prefer to address customer support concerns over the phone. Customers, on the other hand, may feel irritated if they are transferred to an unskilled agent or left to wait for a lengthy amount of time. Many ACD systems, depending on your team’s requirements, may accept multiple routing schemes, which can handle both of these difficulties. A successful call routing strategy may boost agent productivity and enhance client experiences, resulting in more sales and improved customer satisfaction.


The following are some examples of call routing options present in various contact center phone systems:

  • ACD calls are only routed to available agents within a certain time period. The time period may be altered manually to suit individual out-of-office hours or customized according to personnel schedules.
  • Round robin: This approach routes calls via a loop, sending each call to the next agent on a list and then returning to the first agent on the list once each agent on the list has accepted a call.
  • Calls are directed to agents with specialized skill sets, such as information technology (IT) specialists or multilingual agents, depending on their skills. Skills-based routing may take into account a caller’s location or IVR inputs in addition to IVR options.
  • Weighted call routing sends agents various call volumes based on preassigned call volume percentages, such as allocating more calls to experienced representatives than fresh trainees.
  • The least active: This strategy, also known as idle agent routing or uniform call distribution, routes calls to agents who have been idle for the greatest period of time between calls.
  • Simultaneous: This is the most common strategy used by auto attendant phone systems. It calls all of the agents at the same time, and whoever answers the phone first gets the call.

The top business phone systems also incorporate intelligent call routing to improve your company’s productivity and customer results. These technologies look up a caller’s prior history, demographics, or contact preferences in your CRM or help desk integrations, then route calls accordingly.

Three of the best ACD providers

Although many VoIP providers provide interactive voice response (IVR) systems, not all of them have automated call allocation. Most cloud-based PBX phone systems and call center software, on the other hand, have ACD functions. Below are three of the best business solutions featuring ACD functionality.

Freshdesk Contact Center


Freshdesk Contact Center (previously Freshcaller) has an automated call distribution system that provides call routing for idle agents, holidays, and business hours. It also includes IVR features and can keep callers up to date on their queue status. Freshdesk Contact Center, like Cloudtalk, accepts callback requests.

For low-volume centers, Freshdesk Contact Center provides a pay-as-you-go plan or monthly subscriptions that start at $18 per agent, per month when invoiced monthly. You can also try the software before purchasing it by signing up for a free 21-day trial to determine whether it’s a suitable fit for your company.



Talkdesk is a contact center software company that uses artificial intelligence (AI). All plans include 60 pre-built connectors, as well as ACD and mood sentiment tools. Skills-based, business hours, IVR choices, and customer data options are all included in automatic call distribution routing algorithms. CRM connectivity, on the other hand, allows the ACD to recognize and prioritize essential calls.

Talkdesk’s entry-level plans, unlike Freshcaller’s, do not provide iOS or Android applications. It also has a significantly higher starting price of $65 per month per seat. Although there is no free trial available for Talkdesk, you may try out the program during a demo.



ACD is included in all Cloudtalk services, allowing for automated call routing based on skills, business hours, or client data. It, like Talkdesk, may immediately redirect VIP clients to the next available agent. Cloudtalk also has several call queues and an automated callback option.

All versions feature Android and iOS applications, while lower-priced plans include fewer routing options and connectors, comparable to Freshdesk Contact Center. Cloudtalk subscriptions start at $25 per agent, each month, but you may try it out for 14 days without committing.

Benefits of Automatic Call Distribution for Small Businesses

Small companies may use automatic call distribution systems to enhance caller experiences while also streamlining operations and lowering expenses. You can improve your brand’s reputation while also increasing income and efficiency by combining an ACD, an efficient call routing plan, and competent agents.


The following are some of the benefits of automated call distribution services:

  • Ability to expand customer service: As call traffic grows, an ACD efficiently handles and distributes calls without overburdening your employees. When queue-hold periods exceed established wait-time restrictions, it permits overflow further routing by executing specified actions.
  • ACD improves call routing so that your agents can respond to calls faster and calls are intelligently routed to the most suitable agent. When agents aren’t available, most systems include IVR functions that offer responses.
  • Increase client experiences: ACDs with efficient call routing algorithms improve call handling and response times, as well as assist agents in personalizing conversations. As a result, customers have a better experience and are more satisfied.
  • Increase agent productivity: Using automatic call distribution and call routing rules, quicker agents can handle more calls and new representatives have less work to do, allowing teams to work more effectively.
  • Boost data gathering using voice analytics, call recordings and call transcripts from certain ACD systems. Supervisors may use these tools to better evaluate calls and produce insights to enhance agent and system performance.
  • Increase income: Cost savings from increased efficiency and productivity, together with increased sales from improved brand recognition and customer experiences, result in increased revenue for your company.

Most Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between an interactive voice response system (IVR) and an automatic call distribution system (ACD)?

IVR and ACD are two separate aspects of a contact center phone system that work together to enhance customer service. Without the need for human contact, an IVR system allows callers to make voice or keypad choices to get information or connect to the appropriate extension or department. Callers are sent to the best agent, department, or extension using automatic call distribution technology, which uses pre-programmed call routing principles.

What do automated call distribution systems track?

Automatic call distribution systems give information on utilization, enabling you to assess agent effectiveness and customer satisfaction. It also provides statistics such as overall call volume, queue wait durations, and call lengths. Speech analytics, call recording, and call transcripts are also available in certain systems to assist supervisors in evaluating agent calls and identifying areas for improvement.

What sorts of businesses make use of call distribution technology?

Companies with teams handling large call volumes often utilize ACD software for sales and customer support, regardless of whether they are onsite or virtual. It helps companies in a variety of sectors, including hospitality, eCommerce, healthcare, information technology, financial services, and many more.


Automatic call distribution is perfect for handling incoming calls since it allows you to adapt call routing tactics based on the needs and objectives of your contact center. In addition, most ACDs include CRM and helpdesk software connections, which allow agents to customize interactions and enhance customer experiences and results.

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