What Is Domain Flipping: Definition, Cost & Providers

Domain flipping is the process of buying and selling domains. The goal is to make a profit from the difference in price between the initial purchase and the sale of that same domain.

What Is Domain Flipping: Definition, Cost & Providers

The practice of obtaining and selling domain names for a profit is known as domain flipping. Domain flipping is the practice of purchasing domains for a cheap price and then selling them for a much greater price. For in-demand domain names, domain flippers may make hundreds or thousands of dollars. Some domains sell for millions of dollars, despite their rarity.

How Does a Domain Flip Work?

It’s critical to understand exactly what a domain name is and isn’t. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a collection of directories that contain unique names that are converted into IP addresses. In simple words, your domain name is an online address. It designates a distinct entity that directs visitors to a certain online presence. Domains may resemble one another, but they will never be identical.

A website is not the same as a domain name. A domain name is just a string of letters that identifies a unique online address. A website, on the other hand, is a collection of text, pictures, resources, and multimedia material that is published online under a domain name.

The only purpose of domain flipping is to acquire and sell domains. When you flip a domain, you’re just transferring ownership of the domain name, not any website content that may or may not be tied to it. Website resellers purchase and sell both the domain name and the website content associated with it.

Flipping domains is simple

Domain flipping is exactly what it sounds like: you acquire a domain for a cheap price and then attempt to sell it for a much greater price. The more experience you get in purchasing domain names with the high resale value, the more money you may earn. However, just because domain flipping is a basic business idea does not imply that it is straightforward.

There are a lot of processes to flipping a domain successfully. You need to know which domains are the most lucrative. You’ll need to know how to identify expired or existing names to buy, as well as how to investigate new domains to acquire. You must also know how to find buyers ready to pay a fair price for your domains so that you may earn handsomely.

Is Domain Flipping a Good Investment for You?

Flipping domains may be a full-time job, a side hustle, or a rewarding pastime. Before considering whether or not domain flipping is suitable for you, it’s a good idea to learn about the skills and actions involved in making money with domain flipping.

Independent domain flippers that are successful are expert researchers who spend hours combing through keyword data and domain registration sites.

Flippers must learn the art of swiftly marketing and selling domains, or risk sitting on expensive unsold domain inventory for days, weeks, or even years. Domain flippers must also be aware of potential future trends and know when to hang on to a domain that might be worth much more in the future than it is today.

Risk-takers are also successful domain flippers. You must be willing to invest in domain names and devote the time and effort necessary to resell them. You may get started flipping domains on a shoestring budget of a few hundred dollars, but seasoned flippers recommend investing at least $500 to $1,000 upfront to have a clear idea of what works and what doesn’t.

Domain Flipping Costs & Profit Potential

The cost of registering a domain varies depending on the domain registration service provider. A .com extension is the most lucrative domain extension to buy. Domain.com offers new domain registrations for as little as $2.99 a year, with .com domains starting at $9.99. The most common domain extension for domain flippers is .com, which is the extension that most people still associate with domains and hence put in by default.

Other domain extensions, such as. org, .co, .io, .news, .tech, and .net, are available for purchase. New extensions to keep an eye on include .club, .services, .training, and .expert. More will undoubtedly be added in the future.

When it comes to buying names to flip, there are a few various approaches you may take.

The following are the three distinct sorts of domain buying strategies:

  • Create a new domain: You may create and purchase a previously unregistered domain.
  • Purchase abandoned domains: You may keep an eye out for domains that were originally registered but have since been abandoned, and then purchase the ones that you believe have the greatest potential.
  • Purchase a used domain from a reseller: You may purchase domains directly from those who you feel are selling them for a fraction of their true value.

The fact is that you may earn a lot of money by purchasing fresh names, expiring domains, and domains that are already registered. When it comes to acquiring a domain portfolio to resale, domain flippers often employ a number of methods.

Costs of a Domain

Prices for new domains that you generate yourself are often modest; but, finding potentially lucrative domain names that aren’t already used might be tough. Every day, tens of thousands of domains are registered. Don’t be disheartened if some of your ideas are already taken; flippers must be tireless in their quest for domains with high-profit potential.


Abandoned names and domains acquired from resellers may cost anything from 99 cents to hundreds of dollars or more. Before spending large sums of money on names that you want to flip, you need to have a decent notion of what a domain may be worth. When purchasing domains to flip, the rule of thumb is to be thrifty but not penny-wise.


How much money can you make by flipping domain names?

You may have heard of domains being purchased for a little amount and then sold for millions of dollars. MicroStrategy, for example, just paid $30 million for Voice.com. Because some domain names are sold and resold multiple times over their life cycles, it’s unknown how much the previous owner of Voice.com paid for it. The domain Voice.com was almost certainly acquired for less than $20 when it was first registered.

You may be on your way to a $30 million score, but most domain flippers earn far less. The amount of money you can earn is determined by the number of domains you can sell and the price you can obtain for them. You must also consider the fact that you will purchase some names that will not sell since this is an unavoidable element of the domain flipping business.

Part-time domain flippers might make anything from $1,000 to $8,000 per year. Full-time flippers may make anywhere between $30,000 and $100,000 per year.


“Domain flipping is a long-term investment strategy, not a get-rich-quick scheme.” Yes, you can sell a domain for a ridiculous amount of money if you’re fortunate. If you’ve been in the domain swapping industry for a time, you’ve probably seen something similar. But, for those of you who are just beginning to start, make sure you have realistic expectations. Begin by purchasing low-cost domains with great potential and aiming for reasonable profit margins. The big one could show up, but you can’t count on it.”

— Jason McDowell, Wayzata Dental Practice Owner

Before purchasing domain names to flip, it’s a good idea to perform some research. When you’re trying to earn money by purchasing and selling domains, you want to get the best deal available.

You should also purchase domains from someone who has the legal authority to do so. Even if you didn’t understand the domains were stolen, reselling them can find you in legal trouble. The Domain Name System is managed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a non-profit organization (DNS). Only acquire names from ICANN-accredited registrars to prevent fraud. If you have any queries regarding domain registration legality or how to protect yourself from domain theft, LegalZoom is a good place to start.

How to Evaluate the Profitability Potential of a Domain

New domain flippers make the rookie error of not knowing what makes certain domains valuable while others have a little possibility of ever earning a profit. The reality is that a number of variables influence whether or not a domain will provide a large return on investment. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. The better you are at researching domain names, the more likely you are to acquire and sell them successfully.

How to Conduct a Domain Analysis

Searching for domains that have recently sold on NameBio or estibot is one of the easiest methods to gain a rapid overview of domain sales trends. Pay attention to how much money different sorts of domains bring in. DN Journal also keeps track of recent domain transactions on a regular basis.


Pay attention to the extensions utilized, probable use applications, length, and keyword trends in the domains while studying domain sales. When it comes to flipping domain names, you’ll want to keep a close eye on what’s selling and any patterns that emerge. Trends vary rapidly by definition, thus this sort of domain study must be ongoing.

If you want to buy and sell abandoned domains, go to ExpiredDomains.net, which simply connects you with domain owners from whom you may purchase expired domains. Many of these domains are available for as little as 99 cents.

You may also utilize free keyword research tools like Google’s Keyword Planner tool, which you can access via your Google AdWords account, or Terms Everywhere to see commonly searched keywords that might be used in domains. Advanced keyword research tools such as Moz, KWFinder, and SEMRush are available for a fee and may be useful. There is an opportunity to come up with a focused domain that has profitability potential wherever there is strong Google traffic and little competition.


“Exact match domains or domains that matched a large search query tended to rank for that particular phrase or query more readily than other domains a few years ago.” With Google and other search engine algorithm improvements, this has altered. Domain flippers should concentrate on short domains (the shorter the better) and domains that are dictionary words today (not always, but usually a good practice). It’s also a good idea to get a.com domain since they’re more valuable and sought after than, say,.org or.net domains.”

– Manny Vetti, Managing Partner & Director of Marketing, Back Taxes Help

Where Can I Purchase a Domain?

New domains may be purchased through a domain registration specialist, such as Domain.com, where domains start at $2.99 for a full year of registration. Domains are also sold by hosting companies like DreamHost;.com domains start at $9.99 on DreamHost. You may also purchase domains from sites dedicated to domain flipping.

How to Buy Expired & Currently Owned Domains

You may buy previously held domains directly from a domain seller, through a domain auction, or by filing a backorder request on the domain seller website. Because domain flipping entails both purchasing and selling domains, you may want to look into using some of these services for buying domains, but you should also look into using them to sell your domains.

Domain parking services enable you to monetize an inactive domain with third-party advertisements.

Make sure you understand the history of a domain before purchasing it. It’s far more difficult to sell a domain with a lot of connections to spammy sites. Before you purchase, look at the domain authority (DA). Also, check to see whether the domain exists in Google’s cache to make sure it hasn’t been blocked. Domains that have been used but are not accessible in search engines are worthless.

How to Profit From Domain Parking

The goal of domain flipping is to locate a buyer as soon as possible after purchasing a domain. Certain flippers choose to keep some domains for a longer period of time in the hopes of receiving a higher price.

You don’t have to let your domains lie dormant if you plan to keep them for a long time or if you have ones that aren’t selling. You may park your domains instead. Parking a domain entails monetizing it by providing adverts via a landing page created by a third-party domain parking service provider. This enables you to profit from your domains in the period between buying and selling them.


Legal Rights of Buying Domain Names

It’s not enough to check if a domain name is available when deciding whether to purchase. You should also do a trademark check to confirm that the name is not legally held by another party. Cybersquatting is the practice of purchasing a name that is legally copyrighted by another firm with the purpose of profiting from that company’s reputation. Consider contacting an attorney via LegalZoom if you need assistance figuring out the legalities of domain flipping.


It’s a numbers game when it comes to domain flipping. Because some of the domains you buy may never sell, you’ll need to generate enough money on the ones that do to repay your overall investment costs while still having room to profit.

To increase their chances of finding the proper purchasers, the most successful domain flippers offer their domains on many markets. In an ideal circumstance, you’ll have numerous purchasers bidding on your domains, driving up sales prices.


Sell Domains Through Direct Sales, Auctions & Back Orders

Domains are often sold in one of three ways. The first is direct selling, in which you set a price for the domain, the buyer accepts it, and the transaction proceeds.

An auction is a second and most common technique to sell a domain. You set a minimum price for your domains when selling them via auctions, and then hope that others would bid on them. Every day, tens of thousands of domains are sold via different marketplace auctions. Auctions run for a defined amount of time, usually four to thirty days.

Backorders are a third option to sell domains. The majority of domain markets enable purchasers to put a domain on hold. Potential purchasers choose the amount they are willing to pay for a domain, and you, as the owner, are notified when this occurs. If you believe their backorder offer is within an acceptable price range for you, you may contact the prospective client personally to further negotiate with them.

Domain Marketplaces to Sell Your Domains

A domain marketplace is an online forum where people may buy and sell domain names. Sellers put their domains on the marketplace, and when the domain is sold, commissions are levied. The average commission rate for a salesperson is between 10% and 20%.

Domain flippers may offer their domains in a number of different markets. Although certain markets have regulations about when multiple-site listings are permitted and when exclusive listings are needed, the most successful domain flippers offer their domains on numerous sites. If you’re auctioning a domain, for example, a marketplace may request listing exclusivity.

The selling criteria, the selling interface, the sorts of auctions performed, and other aspects of purchasing and selling domains varied somewhat amongst domain markets. Before deciding to sell via a domain marketplace, it’s essential to properly investigate each alternative.


Turn off WHOIS Privacy.

When a domain is registered, personal information, including name, address, phone number, and email address, is required. Anyone can then see that information by doing a WHOIS lookup. Most website owners purchase WHOIS privacy when buying their domains to block this personal information from public view. When you’re flipping domain names, you may want to Turn off WHOIS Privacy, because you want to be found by people who may be interested in purchasing your domains.

Pros & Cons of Domain Name Flipping

If you’re considering getting into domain flipping, you should be aware of the difficulties you’ll encounter. There are several benefits to being a domain flipper, but there are also drawbacks.

Advantages of Domain Flipping

Flipping domains may be a lucrative side hustle or a full-time job. Expect to earn no more than a few million dollars if you go into it, although some individuals do make a good livelihood buying and selling domain names—the best make six figures a year. Domain flipping might be an excellent money-making outlet for you if you like coming up with innovative new domain names or shopping for deals among the numerous expired domain names accessible.

The Drawbacks of Domain Flipping

The most significant disadvantage of domain flipping is the difficulty in locating suitable domains to sell. Finding domains that you can sell for a fair profit is difficult with over 350 million domain names already registered. In reality, it’s quite difficult. Prepare to spend a lot of time studying concepts.

Be mindful that not every name you purchase for resale will sell. You’ll have unsold domains in your inventory; it’s all part of the domain flipping experience.

Another disadvantage for domain flippers is that your competition will be more than simply the ordinary individual seeking to make a livelihood by selling domain names. Registrars that wind up with thousands of abandoned domains each month are also in the business of selling them. These domain providers want to make money, therefore they use complex algorithms to determine which domains are likely to provide a profit. So don’t expect an easy victory when purchasing a dropped domain.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I tell whether my domain name is worth something?

The most valued domains are those that feature frequently searched keywords. Domains with the.com suffix are worth much more than those with other extensions. Short domains resale for a higher price than lengthy domains. You can estimate the value of your domain using tools like GoDaddy’s domain value appraiser.

Is it legal to sell a domain name?

Domain flipping is, in fact, lawful. What isn’t legal is cybersquatting, which is when you buy a domain with a trademarked name with the goal of benefitting from the reputation of the trademark-holding organization. Business enterprises are protected from cybersquatting under the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act of 1999.

Is it possible to earn money by flipping domains?

Although unusual, some individuals have made millions by swapping domains. Flipping domains may make you anything from $30,000 to $100,000 or more. For people who like the process of developing new names or discovering existing domains to sell that have resale value, domain flipping may be a profitable pastime or part-time career.


To earn money flipping domains, you’ll need a good understanding of what makes a domain valuable, as well as the sorts of domains that today’s purchasers are looking for. The most successful domain flippers purchase domains at a cheap cost and make six figures by selling them. The majority of domain flippers sell their domains on well-known domain markets.

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